Patrick Brunet-lecomte

A Hospital-Based and a Population-Based Stroke Registry Yield Different Results: The Experience in Dijon, France

The aim of this study was to demonstrate the different results obtained from a population-based and a hospital-based stroke study in the same city.Between January 1 and December 31, 1993, we collected information on all of the first strokes in the population of the city of Dijon, in conjunction with the Dijon Stroke Registry, collecting the first-ever strokes from patients living in Dijon as well as on all the first strokes in residents and nonresidents of Dijon who were treated at Dijon University Hospital. Demographic details, medical history, vascular risk factors, stroke subtype, as diagnosed by CT scan, and mortality rates were compared between the strokes observed in the population of…

research product

A propos de l'observation de cas de campagnols des champs Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1778) (Rodentia, Arvicolinae) caractérisés par une première molaire inférieure présentant un rhombe pitymyen

About some cases of common voles Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1778) (Rodentia, Arvicolinae) characterised by a first lower molar with a pitymyan rhombus. This note describes and comments on some cases of common voles Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1778) characterised by a first lower molar with a pitymyan rhombus.

research product

Modeling of medical activity heterogenity to improve the hospital management by diagnosis-related groups

Since the early 1980s healthcare systems in the industrialized nations have been undergoing radical reform aimed at curbing overspending of hospital expenditure. After a discussion of the limits of a prospective payment due to heterogeneity of costs within DRGs, we demonstrate the ability of anovel statistical model to identify high cost patients. We derive from this statistical model an economic heuristic in order to account for high cost patients in budget allocation and a Structural and Contingent method is proposed as a budgeting tool. Economic analysis based on this modeling of DRG heterogeneity further reveals the potential for improving the equity and the efficiency of the prospectiv…

research product

The Pleistocene subterranean volesTerricola (Rodentia) of Serbia and Montenegro

A general morphometrical analysis of the M1 was conducted to identify the subterranean vole species found in Upper Pleistocene localities from Serbia and Montenegro, and to clarify the systematic position and the phylogenetic relationships between the different species in the Balkans. From the different localities studied, we can assign one population toMicrotus (Terricola) thomasi and the others to theM. (T.) subterraneus group. This study suggests thatM. (T.) grafi can be considered as a chronological sub-species ofM. (T.) subterraneus or as a different but phylogenetically very close species.

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Evolutionary history of two allopatric Terricola species (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) from molecular, morphological, and palaeontological data

To investigate the phylogenetic and phylogeographical relationships of arvicolines, we use several Western European ground voles. More particularly, our study is focused on Microtus (Terricola) savii and M. (T.) pyrenaicus. These two allopatric species are usually considered as having originated from the same ancestor, possibly M. (T.) mariaclaudiae. We propose molecular and morphological approaches: nucleotidic data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes and global morphological analyses from the first lower molar. Four other Terricola species (multiplex, lusitanicus, duodecimcostatus, subterraneus) were added to the data set for both analyses, and two other vole species (C…

research product

Analyse odontométrique comparée de populations du campagnol des neiges Chionomys nivalis (Martins, 1842) (Rodentia, Arvicolinae).

14 pages; La morphométrie comparée de la première molaire inférieure (M1) de onze populations du campagnol des neiges Chionomys nivalis (Rodentia, Arvicolinae) (Martins, 1842) du Pléistocène supérieur et de l'Holocène de France, d'Allemagne et de Roumanie, montre une nette différenciation morphologique entre les populations de ces trois pays, exprimée par un gradient morphologique est-ouest. A l'échelle du pays, des divergences morphologiques, plus modérées, sont observées, en particulier chez les populations de France et des Carpates méridionales et occidentales.

research product

Présence de la musaraigne de Miller Neomys anomalus Cabrera, 1907 (Soricomorpha, Soricidae) dans l'Isle Crémieu (Isère, France).

Presence of Miller's water shrew Neomys anomalus Cabrera, 1907 (Soricomorpha, Soricidae) in Isle Crémieu (Isère, France). - This note reports and comments on the presence of Miller's water shrew Neomys anomalus Cabrera, 1907 in Isle Crémieu (Isère, France).

research product

Relation between climatic fluctuation and morphological variability in Microtus (Terricola) grafi (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) from Bacho Kiro (Bulgaria, Upper Pleistocene)

Morphological variability within the species Microtus (Terricola) grafi is investigated in relation to the parameters of time and climate. Microtus (Terricola) grafi has been described from the Upper Pleistocene cave of Bacho Kiro (Bulgaria), which has yielded numerous teeth from several levels reflecting climatic fluctuations. The first lower molars are analyzed by 23 biometric variables so as to quantify tooth shape and its variation with time and climate. This morphological analysis reveals a number of shape indexes reflecting whether an individual lived in warm or cold conditions. The most significant result is that individuals living in warm conditions exhibit the more primitive featur…

research product

Morphométrie comparée de la première molaire inférieure de différentes populations d'Europe du Pléistocène supérieur du campagnol des steppes Microtus gregalis (Pallas, 1779) (Rodentia, Arvicolidae).

The comparative analysis of the first lower molar (M1) of five populations of the steppe vole Microtus gregalis (Pallas, 1779) of the Upper Pleistocene from Romania and Germany has permitted to identify criteria characterising these populations. The proposed hypothesis in order to explain the observed variations between these populations is different chronological migrations of populations of M. gregalis from different climatic and geographical regions.

research product

Description odontométrique comparée du campagnol souterrain d'Orgnac - Microtus (Terricola) mariaclaudiae (Chaline 1972) (Rodentia, Arvicolinae) - du gisement Pléistocène moyen d'Orgnac 3 (Ardèche, France).

8 pages; Le campagnol souterrain d'Orgnac Microtus (Terricola) mariaclaudiae (Chaline 1972) a été décrit du gisement Pléistocène moyen d'Orgnac 3 (Ardèche, France). La comparaison de différentes variables de la première molaire inférieure avec celles d'autres espèces du sous-genre Terricola permet de caractériser la morphologie dentaire de M. (T.) mariaclaudiae et de discuter sa position phylogénétique dans le sous-genre.

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Précisions sur la localité-type du campagnol des Pyrénées Microtus (Terricola) pyrenaicus (de Sélys Lonchamps, 1847) (Arvicolinae, Rodentia).

2 pages; National audience; L'objectif de cette note est de préciser aussi exactement que possible la localité-type du campagnol des Pyrénées Microtus (Terricola) pyrenaicus (de Sélys Lonchamps, 1847) : montagnes des Pyrénées, Pic du Midi de Bigorre, à une grande altitude (Hautes-Pyrénées, France).

research product

The last glacial/interglacial record of rodent remains from the Gigny karst sequence in the French Jura used for palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological reconstructions

Abstract A multidisciplinary approach has produced an exceptional chronological log of climatic patterns for the Upper Pleistocene sequence of Gigny Cave (Jura, France) covering the Pre-Eemian, Eemian Interglacial, Middle Glacial and Upper Pleniglacial, as well as a part of the Holocene. Multivariate analysis (correspondence and component analysis) of rodent associations from the sequence is used here to characterize the different climatic stages in terms of relative temperature, plant cover and moisture. Faunal analysis establishes: (1) positive and negative correlations among the variations of the different species; (2) the significance of axis 1 (component analysis) which, in terms of te…

research product

Nouvelles données sur la localité type et la morphométrie dentaire du campagnol de Gerbe Microtus pyrenaicus gerbei (Gerbe, 1879) (Cricetidae, Rodentia)

New data on type locality and dental morphometry of the Gerbe’s vole Microtus pyrenaicus gerbei (Gerbe, 1879) (Cricetidae, Rodentia). The synthesis of the historical research done on Arthur de L’Isle du Dréneuf’s life, the discoverer of the Gerbe’s vole Microtus pyrenaicus gerbei (Gerbe, 1879), and the circumstances connected with this discovery, allow to say that its type locality is the municipality of La Haie-Fouassière (Loire-Atlantique, France). The analysis of teeth found in pellets of barn owl from Pornic (Loire-Atlantique, France) has confirmed the odontometrical differentiation previously observed in M. pyrenaicus gerbei.

research product

Karyological and dental identification of Microtus limnophilus in a large focus of alveolar echinococcosis (Gansu, China).

International audience; A study of voles (Arvicolidae, Rodentia) from Gansu (China) designed to identify a potential host of Echinococcus multilocularis, responsible for human alveolar echinococcosis, leads to a general analysis of Microtus limnophilus population karyotypes, M1 of M. oeconomus populations from all of Eurasia and of M. limnophilus of Mongolia. The Microtus of Gansu belonging to the nominal subspecies M. limnophilus limnophilus (2n = 38; NF = 58) differs markedly in size and shape of M1 from the M. limnophilus of Mongolia, which must therefore be considered as a new subspecies M. limnophilus of malygini nov. ssp. (2n = 38; NF = 60) and the M. oeconomus of Mongolia should be r…

research product

Les micromammifères du département de l'Isère (Rhône-Alpes, France) : répartition par district naturel.

Micromammals of the French department of Isère (Rhône-Alpes) : distribution by natural district. - This article presents the distribution of the species of micromammals of the department of Isère (Rhône-Alpes, France), by natural district from the analysis of 78,100 specimens inventoried and registered in a database of the micromammals of the department. For each species, a comparison of its distribution is made between districts. This synthesis is a photograph of the current knowledge and it also allows to define the future researches to improve the knowledge and the protection of micromammals in Isère.

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