C. Giles Miller
Morphologic variation in the P1 element of Mississippian species of the conodont genus Pseudognathodus
A revision of the Austin Conodont Collection at the Natural History Museum, London, has revealed a diverse assemblage of P1 elements of Pseudognathodus . Pseudognathodus homopunctatus, Ps. lineatus, Ps. mermaidus and Ps. symmutatus are di?erentiated and a new species, Ps. posadachaconae , is de?ned from material from North Wales. The systematic of these species is updated. A revised diagnosis is provided for the genus Pseudognathodus , as well as for the species Ps. lineatus and Ps. symmutatus . The types of Ps. symmutatus cannot be differentiated from immature specimens of Ps. homopunctatus . The evolutionary relationships of Pseudognathodus species are discussed. Stratigraphic distributio…