Albane Saintenoy
Data issues in a moving environment: remote and in situ tools to monitor glacier dynamics and their hydrological consequences in the Austre Lovènbreen basin
COM; International audience; The precise quantification of glacier movements over time is one of the goals of glaciology. Understanding how and where ice is appearing, melting, and what happens once it’s gone are at the core of the Hydro - Se nsor - FlOWS program (IPY #16, IPEV 304, ANR 0310) that just ended and will be one of the aspects of the new Cryo - Sensors program. Obtaining a precise digital elevation model (DEM) of a glacier surface is not straightforward. When using old datasets, caution should be applied to the interpretation made of the results as the variability tends to increase. Recent monitoring techniques (DGPS, airborne Lidar) do provide a higher level of accuracy but s…
Area, volume and freshwater flux inferred from the change in geometry of a high Arctic glacier since the 1960s (Austre Lovénbreen, Svalbard)
International audience