Rosita Del Prete

Additional file 9 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 9: Table S5. Primers used for pyrosequencing analysis.

research product

Additional file 2 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 2: Figure S1. Pyrosequencing analysis of seven imprinted DMRs.

research product

Additional file 3 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 3 Figure S2. Batch effect adjustment of array datasets.

research product

Additional file 11 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 11: Table S7. Primers for Sanger sequencing validation.

research product

Additional file 10 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 10: Table S6. Sex and age information of controls of methylome analysis.

research product

Additional file 4 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 4: Figure S3. Violin plots showing whole-genome DNA methylation profiles of probands, their siblings and mothers, and 12 controls.

research product

Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Abstract Background PADI6 is a component of the subcortical maternal complex, a group of proteins that is abundantly expressed in the oocyte cytoplasm, but is required for the correct development of early embryo. Maternal-effect variants of the subcortical maternal complex proteins are associated with heterogeneous diseases, including female infertility, hydatidiform mole, and imprinting disorders with multi-locus imprinting disturbance. While the involvement of PADI6 in infertility is well demonstrated, its role in imprinting disorders is less well established. Results We have identified by whole-exome sequencing analysis four cases of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprintin…

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Additional file 7 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 7: Figure S4. Sanger sequencing validating the PADI6 variants identified by WES.

research product

Additional file 6 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 6: Table S3. Maternal genetic variants in homozigosity or compound heterozigosity identified by WES.

research product

Additional file 5 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 5: Table S2. Methylation defects of imprinted DMRs in patients affected by BWS-MLID whose mothers are carriers of loss of function mutations in PADI6.

research product

Additional file 1 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 1: Table S1. Pathogenic variants of PADI6 and corresponding clinical phenotype.

research product

Additional file 8 of Loss-of-function maternal-effect mutations of PADI6 are associated with familial and sporadic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with multi-locus imprinting disturbance

Additional file 8: Table S4 . List of the maternal-effect gene variants associated with MLID in the offspring identified so far and corresponding clinical phenotype.

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