Slow Magnetic Relaxation in a Co (II)–Y (III) Single‐Ion Magnet with Positive Axial Zero‐Field Splitting
This work was supported by the MINECO (Spain) (Project CTQ2011-24478), the Junta de Andalucía (FQM-195 and Project of excellence P08-FQM-03705), and the University of Granada. E.R. and E.Cr. thank MINECO grant No. CTQ2011-23862-C02-01 and Generalitat de Catalunya grant No. 2009SGR-1459, for financial support. We would like to thank Prof. Liviu Chibotaru for providing us the SINGLE_ANISO program and Dr. Andrew Ozarowski for the EPR simulation software. E.K.B. thanks the EPSRC and Leverhulme Trust for financial support. The NHMFL is funded by the NSF, DoE, and the state of Florida. J.C. acknowledges financial support by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through projects CTQ2010-1…