Terminal nerve in the mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis): ontogenetic aspects.
As in other mammals, ontogenesis of the terminal nerve (TN) in the mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) starts shortly after the formation of the olfactory placode, a derivative of the ectoderm. During development of the olfactory pit, proliferating neuroblasts thicken the placodal epithelium and one cell population migrates toward the rostroventral tip of the telencephalon. Here they accumulate in a primordial terminal ganglion, which successively divides into smaller units. Initial fibers of the TN can be distinguished from olfactory fibers in the mid-embryonic period. The main TN fiber bundle (mfb) originates from the anteriormost ganglion in the nasal roof, whereas one or more inconstant sma…