Simon Storgård Jensen


Need for lateral bone augmentation at two narrow-diameter implants: A prospective, controlled, clinical study.

To detect the potential influence of implant diameter and anatomic factors on the need for bone augmentation procedures (BAPs) when replacing congenitally missing lateral incisors (MLIs).Patients with congenitally missing MLIs with a mesio-distal distance between the canine and the central incisor of 5.9-6.3 mm received a Ø2.9 mm implant while Ø3.3 mm implants were placed when the distance was 6.4-7.1 mm. The following linear measurements were recorded using a calliper: width of the alveolar process (WAP), width of the bony alveolar ridge (WAR) and thickness of the facial bone after implant osteotomy (TFB). Guided bone regeneration was performed in case of fenestration- or dehiscence-type d…

research product

Group 1 ITI Consensus Report: The influence of implant length and design and medications on clinical and patient-reported outcomes

The following article: Jung, R.E., Al-Nawas, B., Araujo, M., Avila-Ortiz, G., Barter, S., Brodala, N., ... Windisch, P. (2018). Group 1 ITI Consensus Report: The influence of implant length and design and medications on clinical and patient-reported outcomes. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 29(S16), 69-77, can be accessed at https://doi.org/10.1111/clr.13342. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. Objectives: The aim of Working Group 1 was to address the influence of different local (implant length, diameter, and design) and systemic (medications) factors on clinical, radiographic, and patient‐re…

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