Ilja Arts

Additional file 8: of Characterization of disease-specific cellular abundance profiles of chronic inflammatory skin conditions from deconvolution of biopsy samples

Figure S5. Changes in cellular composition due to Etanercept treatment before, during, and after treatment. Comparison of the abundance of various cell types in the lesional and non-lesional skin of patients with psoriasis. Expression data from dataset GSE47751 was used for this analysis. The p-values of each comparison are presented above each box in the boxplots. (PDF 701 kb)

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Additional file 2: of Characterization of disease-specific cellular abundance profiles of chronic inflammatory skin conditions from deconvolution of biopsy samples

Figure S1. Correlation heatmap of the cellular subsets included in DerM22. (PDF 1013 kb)

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Additional file 7: of Characterization of disease-specific cellular abundance profiles of chronic inflammatory skin conditions from deconvolution of biopsy samples

Figure S4. Changes in cellular composition due to UVB phototherapy. Comparison of the abundance of various cell types in the lesional and non-lesional skin of patients with atopic dermatitis before and after narrow-band UVB phototherapy. Expression data from dataset GSE27887 [35] was used for this analysis. The p-value of each comparison is presented above each beanplot. (PDF 863 kb)

research product

Additional file 6: of Characterization of disease-specific cellular abundance profiles of chronic inflammatory skin conditions from deconvolution of biopsy samples

Figure S3. Comparison of the changes in cellular abundance between lesional and non-lesional skin of patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. The p-value (without multiple testing correction) of each comparison is depicted on the top of each bean plot. (PDF 4401 kb)

research product

Additional file 5: of Characterization of disease-specific cellular abundance profiles of chronic inflammatory skin conditions from deconvolution of biopsy samples

Figure S2. Variation in relative abundance of skin related cell types across independent datasets. The relative fraction of 13 different cell types in the skin was derived from nine independent datasets. These datasets comprised samples of healthy skin and skin from patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) and psoriasis (PS). The disease samples accounted for lesional (L) and non-lesional skin (NL). The standard deviation is derived for each data point in the panels of this figure. (PDF 461 kb)

research product

Additional file 4: of Characterization of disease-specific cellular abundance profiles of chronic inflammatory skin conditions from deconvolution of biopsy samples

Table S1. Table of flow cytometry data used in this study. (DOCX 21 kb)

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Additional file 9: of Characterization of disease-specific cellular abundance profiles of chronic inflammatory skin conditions from deconvolution of biopsy samples

Figure S6. Changes in cellular composition due to Etanercept treatment at baseline and treatment weeks 1 and 12. Comparison of the abundance of various cell types in the lesional and non-lesional skin of patients with psoriasis. Expression data from dataset GSE17239 was used for this analysis. The p-values of each comparison are presented above each box in the boxplots. (PDF 2240 kb)

research product

Additional file 1: of Characterization of disease-specific cellular abundance profiles of chronic inflammatory skin conditions from deconvolution of biopsy samples

Table S2. Signature matrix DerM22. (XLSX 654 kb)

research product

Additional file 3: of Characterization of disease-specific cellular abundance profiles of chronic inflammatory skin conditions from deconvolution of biopsy samples

Table S3. Reference dataset for DerM22. (XLSX 17 kb)

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