Everything matters: Molar microwear texture in goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) fed diets of different abrasiveness
There is an ongoing discourse about whether or not external abrasives influence the microscopic wear in herbivore teeth, including a statement that “dust does not matter”. We submitted the maxillary and mandibular second molar of 28 goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) to dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA). The study animals were divided into four groups, which received diets of increasing phytolith-based abrasiveness (L: lucerne based pellets, very low phytolith abrasion diet, acting as control; G: grass-based pellets, medium abrasive phytolith diet; GR: grass and rice husk pellets, high abrasion phytolith diet), or a diet with added external abrasives (GRS: the GR diet with add…