Martti Takala
Family Activity Patterns as related to the symmetry in the division of labour in the family, children’s socialization to work and the significance of work to the parents
The paper is based on empirical material collected in connection with the research project ‘Way of life in the family parental awareness of parenthood, and children’s social development’. The sample consisted of 212 families with both parents and a six-year-old child. It was relatively homogeneous with regard to the educational background of the parents. Comparisons were made between groups of families which differed with regard to (1) symmetry in the division of labour, (2) socialization of children to work, and (3) the relative significance of work vs. family life to the parents. Symmetry in the division of labour was strongly reflected in the family time consumption patterns and their co…
Consistencies of psychomotor styles in interpersonal tasks
Abstract.— Interpersonal behaviour of individuals in five tasks (individual performance, two dyadic tasks, two small-group tasks) was videotaped and coded on 11 psychomotor categories concerning (a) movements regulating interaction, (b) indications of tension, and (c) temperamental acts. The individual consistencies were examined on the basis of correlational analyses and task similarities. The consistency of individual psychomotor behaviour across all the tasks was highest in the number of selfinitiated acts (psychomotor activeness). Consistency was also found in the total tension score and the utilization of large/narrow space, while the effect of the particular tasks was clearly demonstr…
Towards a Neofunctionalist Theory of Psychology?
The contemporary study of human activity comprises various levels of description. Three levels are distinguished for the purpose of the present paper: (1) single acts and interaction episodes; (2) individual activity structures; (3) life process. Regardless of the level of analysis the theoretical models correspond to each other. Activity is examined in relation to goals and conditions which include both situational and environmental inputs. It is suggested that different types of explanations are fruitful for each aspect of activity, but they do not exclude each other. The action-oriented approach represents a continuation to the functionalist tradition while emphasizing intentional activi…
PSYCHOMOTOR EXPRESSION AND PERSONALITY STUDY: I. Some theoretical and methodological considerations
In this introductory article in a series of experimental reports an attempt is made to classify the psychomotor and expressive techniques on the basis of the amount and the quality of mediating processes involved in performance. Furthermore, psychomotor variables occurring in different types of technique are presented, and suggestions are made for an experimental study of psychomotor and expressive techniques.
LEVEL OF ACTIVATION AND GOAL-DIRECTED BEHAVIOUR: The effect of chlorpromazine on aggressive, achievement oriented, and affiliation oriented verbal responses
The purpose was to investigate the effect of chlorpromazine on verbal response contents in sentence completion tests. 30 male subjects participated in two chlorpromazine and one placebo session. It was found that the amount of aggressive, achievement and affiliation oriented responses was significantly reduced as an effect of drug intake. The results are discussed on the basis of the theories of conflict motivation and of arousal.
Child-rearing practices and attitudes as measured by different tecniques : 1, Parental attitudes and child-rearing practices : a methodological study. 2, Child-rearing practices and attitudes in different social environments
The main purpose was to examine whether ratings of the ‘natural speed of behaviour’ are related to factors of ‘personal tempo’ found by common types of tempo tests. Psychomotor performance of varying levels of complexity was studied. In addition to standard tempo tasks, tests of maximum tempo were used. There were significant positive correlations between the ratings of the ‘natural speed’ and the tests of personal tempo, especially in ideomotor and drawing tasks, in subjects aged 13 to 14 years. In younger age groups the correlations were low. An attempt is made to interpret the results in terms of ‘working habits’.
Parental behavior and sources of information in different social groups
Parental attitudes and child-rearing practices : a methodological study
Environmental Awareness and Human Activity
The historical and societal background of the Framework for Research on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change is described in the first part of the paper. Increasing global risks and the ...