Tiina Räisä
Kirja-arvostelut alustataloudessa – esimerkkinä käyttäjälähtöiset arvostelut Instagramissa
Kulttuurituotteita eivät sosiaalisen median aikakaudella enää arvostele julkisesti vain perinteisen median ammattikriitikot, vaan myös tavalliset ihmiset osallistuvat teosten julkiseen arvottamiseen erilaisilla digitaalisilla alustoilla. Tarkastelemme tässä artikkelissa kirjallisuusarvosteluja osana alustoitunutta kulttuurituotantoa esimerkkinämme käyttäjälähtöiset kirja-arvostelut erityisesti kuvasovellus Instagramissa. Instagramiin on vakiintunut kirjallisuuskeskusteluyhteisö, jota kutsutaan maailmanlaajuisesti nimellä Bookstagram mutta jolla on myös paikallisia tai alueellisia muotoja, kuten suomalainen Kirjagram. Kysymme, miten käyttäjäarvostelijat esiintyvät niissä arvostelulle määrite…
The Winding Road to Accessing the Voices of One Thousand Schoolchildren : A Nexus Analysis of Collecting Data for a Survey
This article describes a nexus analysis of the lengthy, complex process of negotiating access to schools for a research project surveying 1,002 children (aged 9–12 years) about their digital and language practices. The analysis distinguished layers of adult-centered gatekeeping, each of which needed to be tackled in sequence. Bottlenecks particularly arose at the gatekeeping stage, in which superintendents of schools decided whether to grant research access to schools. Factors facilitating the research process included the hybrid data collection design, the procedures for obtaining parental consent, and the active collaboration with the children themselves. A significant discourse emerged a…
Tusen och en röst : barn och deras föräldrar om familjen, språk och appar
Family relations : Emotional overload
This chapter explores the process of mediatisation with an institutional and bottom-up approach to mediated family communication. For this empirical study two sets of data were collected with the messaging application WhatsApp among six Finnish families, including parents and children. When the data were analysed using grounded theory, four categories of family communication emerged: those of the practical family, the dispersed family, the entertainment-oriented family and the loving family. In my discussion of the specific features of contemporary, mediated family communication, I propose the concept of digital family talk, that is an internalised way of interacting observed in families wh…
”Pikkuhiljaa hem å äta” : flerspråkighet och multimodalitet i en familjechatt
‘Our words are stronger’ : re-enforcing boundaries through ritual work in a terrorist news event
This article investigates the ritual work in terrorist news events, using the Berlin truck attack as a case in point. The article connects with the larger cluster of anthropologically inspired communication research on media events as public rituals in news media and applies digital media ethnography as its method. Fieldwork is conducted in 15 online news sites. The article identifies three key phases through which the ritual work was carried out: the rupture in the news event (ritualised as the strike), the liminal phase (ritualised as the manhunt) and the reconstitution of order following the attack (ritualised as the mourning). The article concludes with an interpretation of the broader …