Cinzia Gatto

I WIG’s: MEZZI INNOVATIVI PER IL TRASPORTO CIVILE Un’ipotesi di impiego per i collegamenti a medio raggio nel Mediterraneo

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Dynamic Stability of Wing in Ground effect Vehicles: A General Model

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Trajectory tracking for a Non-Conventional UAV

The aim of the present paper is the design of a flight control system for a Tandem – Canard UAV, useful in the whole flight envelope, both Out of Ground Effect (OGE) and In Ground Effect (IGE) conditions. Because of the particular arrangement of the studied aircraft, a general mathematical model has been built in order to obtain non-linear analytical equations for longitudinal aerodynamic coefficients both in OGE and in IGE flight. So the dynamic behaviour of the UAV may be studied during every flight phases i.e. in the whole range of altitude. To consider the strong variation of aerodynamic parameters due to the ground effect presence, a robust control technique (LQG/LTR) has been used to …

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A feasibility analysis of civil rotorcraft intercity passenger transport services

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A Non Conventional UAV In Ground Effect: Synthesis of a Robust Flight Control System,

ABSTRACT This paper discusses the synthesis of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to perform both wind velocities and state estimation for a non conventional UAV flying in ground effect. Since, in IGE flight, motions into the symmetry plane are of primary concern, the study focuses on the longitudinal aircraft dynamics. The proposed estimator requires measurement of few flight variables, easily obtainable by means of conventional sensors; besides, it does not use Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). To simulate a low cost sensing equipment, the model outputs are corrupted by white noise of relatively high standard deviation. Furthermore, to cope with the low rate of the GPS with respect to the oth…

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Controllo Robusto delle Traiettorie in Effetto Suolo di un UAV Multisuperficie

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Trajectory tracking for an Ultralight WIG

In this paper we present our research about a particular ultralight WIG. We have carried out the design of a Flight Control System that has to fix the control variables trend through a non-linear mathematical model, because of the particular geometric and aerodynamic configuration of this WIG. So, the non-linear mathematical model design has to reproduce exactly the aircraft behaviour either OGE or IGE. In particular, through classical semi-empirical relations, analytical equations have been obtained in order to evaluate incidence variations, downwash and upwash angles due to the ground. In the present paper only longitudinal dynamic is considered, because of its peculiarity in WIG's aircra…

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ABSTRACT This paper discusses the synthesis of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to perform both wind velocities and state estimation for a non conventional UAV flying in ground effect. Since, in IGE flight, motions into the symmetry plane are of primary concern, the study focuses on the longitudinal aircraft dynamics. The proposed estimator requires measurement of few flight variables, easily obtainable by means of conventional sensors; besides, it does not use Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). To simulate a low cost sensing equipment, the model outputs are corrupted by white noise of relatively high standard deviation. Furthermore, to cope with the low rate of the GPS with respect to the oth…

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Collision Avoidance Problem for an Ekranoplan

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A Feasibility Analysis For Wig’s As A Civil Transport System In The Mediterranean Sea

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