G Giusso Del Galdo

Allium cithaeronis (Alliaceae), a new species of A. sect. Scorodon from Greece.

Allium cithaeronis, a new species of A. sect. Scorodon from Greece is described and illustrated. Its chromosome number (2n=16), karyogram, leaf anatomy, ecology, taxonomical relationship are examined. For some morphological features, such as exerted stamens from perigon and tuberculate lobes in the upper part of the ovary,it represents a very isolated species within the A. sect. Scorodon.

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8110 Ghiaioni silicei dei piani montano fino a nivale (Androsacetalia alpinae e Galeopsietalia ladani)

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The Querco-Fagetea class in Sicily: an example of boreal temperate vegetation in the central Mediterranean area

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The habitat monitoring under article 17 of the 92/43/eec Directive in Italy: the contribution of vegetation science

The 4th National Report ex Art. 17 of the 92/43/EEC Directive in Italy (period 2013-2018) will try to fill a number of gaps still affecting the former versions of the Italian Reports, where territorial data were still missing for large parts of the country and the assessment was mostly based on the use of the expert opinion. Similar inconsistencies also emerged in other European countries (State of nature in the EU, EEA 2015). In order to reach this aim, a nationally shared protocol for monitoring the vegetation-based Annex I Habitats is currently under development. The most prominent issues addressed by the ongoing project are: i) fixing standardized, updated and scientifically grounded me…

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Taxonomic implications of seed morphology and seed coat sculputures in Brassica sect. Brassica

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Allium paniculatum L., una specie critica ed erroneamente interpretata della flora europea

Dalle indagini morfologiche e cariologiche condotte è emerso che Allium paniculatum è una specie ben differenziata dagli altri taxa della sez. Codonoprasum, con corredo cromosomico poliploide, esaploide o triploide, probabilmente originatosi in seguito all’adattamento ad ambienti sinantropici in territori con bioclima marcatamente mesico, come si desume dalle esigenze ecologiche, dal periodo di fioritura estivo e dalla distribuzione geografica.

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8130 Ghiaioni del Mediterraneo occidentale e termofili

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Scale-dependent plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands: a comparative overview

Here we present an extensive overview of plant diversity values in Palaearctic grasslands for seven standard grain sizes from 0.0001 to 100 m². The data originate from 20 studies, including the Field Workshops of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG), ranging geographically from Spain in the west to Siberia in the east, from Sicily in the south to Estonia in the north and from the sea coast up to 3100 m a.s.l. The majority of data is from dry grasslands (Festuco-Brometea, Koelerio-Corynephoretea, Cleistogenetea squarrosae), but there are also some mesic, wet, saline, acidic, alpine and Mediterranean grasslands included. Among others, we compiled data from 1795 1-m², 1109 10-m² and 338 100…

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Analisi micromorfologiche sui semi di alcune specie annuali di Astragalus (Fabaceae) e loro implicazioni nella sistematica del gruppo.

Il lavoro analizza i risultati di indagini micromorfologiche su taxa annuali del genere Astragalus. Le analisi morfometriche e quelle ultrastrutturali condotte al SEM evidenziano modelli d'architettura differenti e di rilevanza tassonomica nel gruppo.

research product

A new species of Silene sect. Dipterosperma (Caryophyllaceae) from Sicily

Silene kemoniana, a new species of the section Dipterosperma from NW Sicily, is described and illustrated. It is a therophyte that occurs in mountains near Palermo, where it grows on Mesozoic limestones in xerophilous garigues. Its relationships with S. colorata and allied species are also examined. A key of the species belonging to sect. Dipterosperma is provided. Se describe e ilustra Silene kemoniana, una nueva especie del NW de Sicilia perteneciente a la sección Dipterosperma. Se trata de un terófito que habita en algunas montañas próximas a Palermo, donde crece sobre calizas mesozoicas entre matorrales mediterráneos xerófilos. Se estudian sus relaciones con S. colorata y otras especies…

research product

Allium achaium Boiss. & Orph. ex Boiss. (Alliaceae), a critical species of Greek flora

Allium achaium Boiss. & Orph. ex Boiss. (Alliaceae), a critical and misappreciated species of Greek flora is investigated from taxonomic point of view and illustrated. It belongs to A. sect. Codonoprasum and shows close relationships with the taxa of the A. stamineum Boiss group. Besides, its karyology, ecology and distribution are examined.

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The Lygeo-Stipetea class in Sicily

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Considerazioni citotassonomiche e corologiche su Allium chamaespathum Boiss. (Alliaceae) geofita nuova per la flora italiana.

Oggetto di questo studio è una singolare popolazione di Allium a fioritura autunnale, rinvenuta presso Reggio Calabria (Italia meridionale), la quale, per alcune caratteristiche vegetative e fiorali, rientra chiaramente nella sezione Allium. Le piante sono caratterizzate da un habitus robusto, foglie subcilindriche ampiamente fistolose, spata unica, caduca, slargata, con appendice fistolosa, lacerantesi lateralmente, infiorescenza globosa, densa, perianzio cilindrico con tepali conniventi, stami con filamenti laminari, dimorfi, gli esterni semplici e gli interni tricuspidati, e ovario con nettari ben sviluppati. Oltre alla fioritura tardiva (IX-X), gli individui di questa popolazione, prese…

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Loci classici di alcuni rari endemismi della flora siciliana.

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Silene nefelites (Caryophyllaceae) a new annual species from Sicily

A new species of Silene sect. Dipterosperma, named S. nefelites C. Brullo, S. Brullo, Giusso & Ilardi spec. nova, from Sicily is described and illustrated. Some of the characteristics are pinnately nerved leaves, 10–25 mm long bracts and 10– 15 mm long filaments. It is a therophyte occurring on the top of Mt. Erice, near Trapani, where it grows on calcareous rocky stands. Its relationships with S. colorata and allied species are also examined. A key to the Sicilian species belonging to S. sect. Dipterosperma is provided Eine neue Art von Silene sect. Dipterosperma, nämlich S. nefelites C. Brullo, S. Brullo, Giusso & Ilardi spec. nova von Sizilien wird beschrieben und illustriert. Einige der…

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