Jean-gabriel Bréhéret

Provenances des matériaux céramiques du Néolithique final du « Petit-Paulmy » et de « Bergeresse » (Abilly, Indre-et-Loire). Intérêt pour l’étude de l’organisation socio-économique et territoriale de la région du Grand-Pressigny

National audience

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Un exemple de spéciation lié à l'eustatisme: l'apparition précoce de Schackoina cabri (foraminifère planctonique mésogéen)

Investigation of planktic foraminifers from the Lower Aptian of the Vocontian Basin (SE France) reveals that Schackoina cabri makes a very discrete first appearance in the Weissi ammonite zone and not in the Deshayesi zone, i.e. before the global anoxic event OAE 1a and not after as was accepted in the literature. This discovery seems to support the recent model whereby speciation of planktic foraminifers occurred in marine lowstands and their real expansion during the ensuing sea-level rise.

research product

Territorial and socio-economic organisation in Le Grand-Pressigny

In and around Le Grand-Pressigny (Indre-et-Loire, France), a petrographic study was implementedon 92 ceramic samples from the Final Neolithic sites of Le Petit-Paulmy and Bergeresse (Abilly).Analyses showed that the sediments used were extracted from local sources: Claise and Creusealluvium, local substrate and loessic silts. Quantitatively, the study showed that almost all the ceramicmaterials in Bergeresse and more than half of those in Le Petit-Paulmy come from the valley of theCreuse. The mineralogical compositions of three samples from Le Petit-Paulmy, including one ofunusual form, indicate sources from an exogenous region, the Massif Central (perhaps the alluviumof the Loire or the Al…

research product

Programme, AGES (Ancient Geomorphological EvolutionS) / Évolutions géomorphologiques anciennes de lʼhydrosystème ligérien. Rapport intermédiaire

research product

New data on middle Turonian tuffeaux of southern Touraine and on their ammonites faunas.

The knowledge of the Turonian stratotype, “from Saumur till Montrichard“, along the Loire and the Cher valleys waspublished in 2018 by Amédro et alii. Since then, the study of recent collecting of ammonites in southern Touraine provided significant informationto state more precisely the Turonian zonation. New outcrops are described at Bourgueil, Chinon, Loudun, Usseau, Sossay,Marigny-Marmande, Séligny and Ports-sur-Vienne where the following formations were recognized: the Amboise Chalk, the tuffeaux ofArdilliers, of Saumur, of Bourré and the Tuffeau Jaune de Touraine.In these southern countries, it is pointed out that: (1) more than the upper half of the Amboise Chalk appears like the Tuff…

research product

Les affleurements de la Touraine (partie orientale du stratotype).

17 pages; National audience

research product