Pipsa P. A. Tuominen
Physical exercise adherence in Finnish children using a music mat: a pilot study
A growing number of studies has shown that informal musical activities, such as singing, playing an instrument, and musical play at home, are positively associated with children’s health. This paper examines the associations between fourteen 4–6-year-old children’s and their parents’ exercise activity, children’s musical and their exercise adherence when using a music mat over an eight-week period in the home environment. Our results show that most of the children moved on the mat breezily and briskly. The parents assessed that exercises required balance and movement control more than endurance or strength. Spearman’s rank-order correlation showed a strong, positive correlation between the …
The effects of mothers’ musical background on sedentary behavior, physical activity, and exercise adherence in their 5-6-years-old children using movement-to-music video program
Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine whether mothers’ musical background has an effect on their own and their children’s sedentary behavior (SB) and physical activity (PA). The aim was also to assess children’s and their mothers’ exercise adherence when using movement-to-music video program. Design Sub-group analysis of an intervention group in a randomized controlled trial (ISRCTN33885819). Method Seventy-one mother-child-pairs were divided into two categories based on mothers’ musical background. Each pair performed 8 weeks exercise intervention using movement-to-music video program. SB and PA were assessed objectively by accelerometer, and exercise activity, fidelity, and …
Rationale and methods for a randomized controlled trial of a movement-to-music video program for decreasing sedentary time among mother-child pairs
Measured objectively, under a quarter of adults and fewer than half of preschool children meet the criteria set in the aerobic physical activity recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Moreover, adults reportedly are sedentary (seated or lying down) for most of their waking hours. Importantly, greater amounts of sedentary time on parents’ part are associated with an increased risk of more sedentary time among their children. A randomized controlled trial targeting mother-child pairs has been designed, to examine whether a movement-to-music video program may be effective in reducing sedentary time and increasing physical activity in the home environment. Mother-chi…
Physical Activity and Body Composition in Children and Their Mothers According to Mother’s Gestational Diabetes Risk: A Seven-Year Follow-Up Study
Background and Objectives: There is lack of knowledge on whether mothers&rsquo
The effect of a movement-to-music video program on the objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity of preschool-aged children and their mothers : A randomized controlled trial
Regular physical activity (PA) and the avoidance of prolonged sitting are essential for children’s healthy growth, and for the physical and mental wellbeing of both children and adults. In the context of exercise, music may promote behavioral change through increased exercise adherence and participation. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a movement-to-music video program could reduce sedentary behavior (SB) and increase PA in mother-child pairs in the home environment. A randomized controlled trial was conducted in the Pirkanmaa region, Finland, in 2014–2016. The participants consisted of 228 mother-child pairs (child age 5–7 years). The primary outcomes of interest were tr…
The Test–Retest Repeatability of a Rhythm Coordination Test Procedure in 4- to 6-Year-Old Children : A Pilot Study
Moving to music combines the ability of rhythm and coordination. In relation to the musical and motor development of children, sensorimotor synchronization requires the ability to perceive and perform a steady beat. The present pilot study aimed to investigate the test–retest repeatability of a rhythm coordination test procedure in order to pilot the procedure for children. Test–retest repeatability reflects the variation in measurements taken by the rhythm coordination test on the same participant under the same conditions. Ten children (mean age 5.5 years, standard deviation (SD) 0.6) participated in the tests. The test performance was evaluated in points from 0 to 8, separately at a slow…
Relationship between mothers' enjoyment and sedentary behavior and physical activity of mother-child dyads using a movement-to-music video program : a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Background: Parental support and participation in physical activity (PA) with children and parents' acting as a role model for less sedentary behaviors (SB) are critical factors for children's healthier lifestyle. The purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between mothers' enjoyment and participants' sedentary behavior (SB) and physical activity (PA) as a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) using data from Moving Sound RCT in the Pirkanmaa area of Finland. Methods: The participants were 108 mother-child dyads (child age 5-7 years) who completed the eight-week exercise intervention using a movement-to-music video program in their homes. Mothers' enjoyment w…
Differences in sedentary time and physical activity among mothers and children using a movement-to-music video program in the home environment: a pilot study
Measured objectively, less than a quarter of adults and under half of preschool children in Finland meet the physical activity recommendations. Moreover, higher sedentary time among parents (such as watching television) is associated with higher sedentary time of their children. The study introduces an intervention based on reducing sedentary behavior among mothers and their children. It utilizes a combination of music and exercise via a motivation-targeting movement-to-music video program in the home environment. Data were collected in summer 2014 from Finland’s Pirkanmaa region. Each mother–child pair (n = 24, child age: 4–7 years) was assigned to the intervention and control group. Both …