Pauliina Husu

Results From Finland's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth.

Background:Finland’s 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth gathers and translates research results and assesses the status and promotion of physical activity (PA) among Finnish children and youth less than 18 years of age. This article summarizes the results and provides grades for 9 indicators.Methods:The working group evaluated the evidence and assigned grades of A (highest, 81% to 100%), B, C, D, or F (lowest, 0% to 20%) for 9 PA indicators using the Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card development process.Results:The grades varied in Finland as follows: 1) Overall PA/fulfillment of recommendations = D, 2) Organized Sport Participation = C, 3) Active Play = C, 4)…

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Comparison of motor competence in children aged 6-9 years across northern, central, and southern European regions.

The present study aimed at examining differences in motor competence (MC) in children aged 6 to 9 years old in northern, central, and southern European regions using the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK). The secondary aim of the study was to examine interactions between region and children's age, sex and weight status (determined as healthy weight or overweight/obese). Data was pooled from independent studies conducted in Finland (mean age 7.81 ± 1.19 years, n = 690), Belgium (mean age 8.25 ± 1.09 years, n = 1,896) and Portugal (mean age 8.31 ± 1.02 years, n = 758) between 2008 and 2016. Cross-cultural differences in MC and interaction effects were tested using ANOVAs and ANCOVAs. A…

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Kuntotestauksen hyvät käytännöt 2022

Suomessa ei ole kuntotestaajille mitään auktorisoitua koulutusta eikä koulutusvaatimuksia. Kuntotestauspalveluja voi periaatteessa tarjota kuka tahansa. Erilaiset toimintaympäristöt ja koulutustaustat näkyvät yhä kirjavina käsitteinä ja käytäntöinä. Yhteisiä pelisääntöjä ja käytäntöjä on tarve edelleen kirkastaa. Kuntotestauksen hyvät käytännöt pohjautuvat Liikuntatieteellisessä Seurassa (LTS) toteutetun Kuntotestauksen laadun kehittäminen -hankkeen (2004−2007) tuloksiin. Tässä julkaisussa on päivitetty alkuperäisiä vuodelta 2010 peräisin olevia Kuntotestauksen hyviä käytäntöjä vastaamaan nykyistä toimintaympäristöä. Päivitetty opas sisältää kymmenen suositusta, jotka kattavat koko kuntotes…

research product

Physical exercise adherence in Finnish children using a music mat: a pilot study

A growing number of studies has shown that informal musical activities, such as singing, playing an instrument, and musical play at home, are positively associated with children’s health. This paper examines the associations between fourteen 4–6-year-old children’s and their parents’ exercise activity, children’s musical and their exercise adherence when using a music mat over an eight-week period in the home environment. Our results show that most of the children moved on the mat breezily and briskly. The parents assessed that exercises required balance and movement control more than endurance or strength. Spearman’s rank-order correlation showed a strong, positive correlation between the …

research product

Measurement of Physical Fitness and 24/7 Physical Activity, Standing, Sedentary Behavior, and Time in Bed in Working-Age Finns : Study Protocol for FINFIT 2021

Background: Population studies gathering measured data on fitness and physical behavior, covering physical activity, standing, sedentary behavior, and time in bed, are scarce. This article describes the protocol of the FINFIT 2021 study that measures fitness and physical behavior in a population-based sample of adults and analyzes their associations and dose–response relationships with several health indicators. Methods: The study comprises a stratified random sample of 20–69-year-old men and women (n = 16,500) from seven city-centered regions in Finland. Physical behavior is measured 24/7 by tri-axial accelerometry and analyzed with validated MAD-APE algorithms. Health and fitness examinat…

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Mitattu tieto tarkentaa itsearvioitua tietoa : kolmasosa suomalaislapsista ja -nuorista liikkuu riittävästi

Liikunta-aktiivisuuden drop-off -ilmiö eli liikkumisen väheneminen iän myötä on edelleen kansallinen erityispiirteemme. Samalla lapset ja nuoret käyttävät noin puolet valveillaoloajastaan istuen tai makuulla. Paikallaanolo lisääntyy selvästi iän myötä. Päivittäistä ruutuaikaa kertyy paljon. Suositellun korkeintaan kaksi tuntia ruudun ääressä vietti vain viisi prosenttia 9–15-vuotiaista. nonPeerReviewed

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The effects of mothers’ musical background on sedentary behavior, physical activity, and exercise adherence in their 5-6-years-old children using movement-to-music video program

Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine whether mothers’ musical background has an effect on their own and their children’s sedentary behavior (SB) and physical activity (PA). The aim was also to assess children’s and their mothers’ exercise adherence when using movement-to-music video program. Design Sub-group analysis of an intervention group in a randomized controlled trial (ISRCTN33885819). Method Seventy-one mother-child-pairs were divided into two categories based on mothers’ musical background. Each pair performed 8 weeks exercise intervention using movement-to-music video program. SB and PA were assessed objectively by accelerometer, and exercise activity, fidelity, and …

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Lasten ja nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2018

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Nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2020

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Rationale and methods for a randomized controlled trial of a movement-to-music video program for decreasing sedentary time among mother-child pairs

Measured objectively, under a quarter of adults and fewer than half of preschool children meet the criteria set in the aerobic physical activity recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Moreover, adults reportedly are sedentary (seated or lying down) for most of their waking hours. Importantly, greater amounts of sedentary time on parents’ part are associated with an increased risk of more sedentary time among their children. A randomized controlled trial targeting mother-child pairs has been designed, to examine whether a movement-to-music video program may be effective in reducing sedentary time and increasing physical activity in the home environment. Mother-chi…

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Physical Activity and Body Composition in Children and Their Mothers According to Mother’s Gestational Diabetes Risk: A Seven-Year Follow-Up Study

Background and Objectives: There is lack of knowledge on whether mothers&rsquo

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LIITU 2022 : korona-ajan vaikutukset näkyvät lasten ja nuorten liikkumisessa

Koronapandemian aikana syntynyttä liikkumisvajetta ei ole vielä kokonaan kuitattu. Huomiota kiinnittää erityisesti tyttöjen liikkumisen nopea väheneminen ikävuosien karttuessa. nonPeerReviewed

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The effect of a movement-to-music video program on the objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity of preschool-aged children and their mothers : A randomized controlled trial

Regular physical activity (PA) and the avoidance of prolonged sitting are essential for children’s healthy growth, and for the physical and mental wellbeing of both children and adults. In the context of exercise, music may promote behavioral change through increased exercise adherence and participation. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a movement-to-music video program could reduce sedentary behavior (SB) and increase PA in mother-child pairs in the home environment. A randomized controlled trial was conducted in the Pirkanmaa region, Finland, in 2014–2016. The participants consisted of 228 mother-child pairs (child age 5–7 years). The primary outcomes of interest were tr…

research product

Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Time in Bed Among Finnish Adults Measured 24/7 by Triaxial Accelerometry

Background: Studies measuring physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior on a 24/7 basis are scarce. The present study assessed the feasibility of using an accelerometer at the hip while awake and at the wrist while sleeping to describe 24/7 patterns of physical behavior in working-aged adults by age, sex, and fitness. Methods: The study was based on the FinFit 2017 study where the physical behavior of 20- to 69-year-old Finns was assessed 24/7 by triaxial accelerometer (UKKRM42; UKK Terveyspalvelut Oy, Tampere, Finland). During waking hours, the accelerometer was kept at the right hip and, during time in bed, at the nondominant wrist. PA variables were based on 1-min exponential moving …

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How adherence to the updated physical activity guidelines should be assessed with accelerometer?

Abstract Background The aerobic part of the recently updated physical activity (PA) guidelines for adults recommends at least 150 min of moderate or at least 75 of vigorous-intensity PA or an equivalent combination of both. PA can be accumulated of any bout duration. On an absolute scale, moderate-intensity threshold is 3 metabolic equivalents (METs) and vigorous 6 METs. On a scale relative to individual’s personal capacity, moderate-intensity threshold is 40% and vigorous 60% of the oxygen uptake reserve. In this study, the adherence to the new guidelines was evaluated using both absolute and relative thresholds. Methods Totally, 1645 adults aged 20–64 years, participated in this populatio…

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Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity Levels and Patterns Vary in an Age- and Sex-Dependent Fashion among Finnish Children and Adolescents

Background: The purpose of this study was to measure physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior (SB), and hour-by-hour PA patterns with an accelerometer in a population-based sample of Finnish children and adolescents. Methods: A total of 3274 participants (3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th graders) from 176 schools wore a hip-worn triaxial accelerometer for seven days during waking hours. Mean amplitude deviation of the acceleration data was used to assess PA intensity that was converted to metabolic equivalents and categorized into light, moderate, and vigorous PA. Angle for posture estimation was used to measure SB and standing. Results: The majority of participants’ PA consisted of light PA, and they …

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Relationship between mothers' enjoyment and sedentary behavior and physical activity of mother-child dyads using a movement-to-music video program : a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial

Background: Parental support and participation in physical activity (PA) with children and parents' acting as a role model for less sedentary behaviors (SB) are critical factors for children's healthier lifestyle. The purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between mothers' enjoyment and participants' sedentary behavior (SB) and physical activity (PA) as a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) using data from Moving Sound RCT in the Pirkanmaa area of Finland. Methods: The participants were 108 mother-child dyads (child age 5-7 years) who completed the eight-week exercise intervention using a movement-to-music video program in their homes. Mothers' enjoyment w…

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Device-based physical activity levels among Finnish adolescents with functional limitations

Background Monitoring physical activity among young adolescents with disabilities is a top academic priority. People with disabilities are a diverse group with various abilities in different human functioning. Therefore, we used a novel approach through functional limitations as a marker for disabilities and examined physical activity levels. Objective To investigate the levels and differences in light (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous (MVPA) intensity physical activity between young adolescents with and without functional limitations. Methods The study included young adolescents (n = 1436) aged 11–15 years olds who attended general schools that were part of the 2016 Finnish School-aged Physic…

research product

Differences in sedentary time and physical activity among mothers and children using a movement-to-music video program in the home environment: a pilot study

Measured objectively, less than a quarter of adults and under half of preschool children in Finland meet the physical activity recommendations. Moreover, higher sedentary time among parents (such as watching television) is associated with higher sedentary time of their children. The study introduces an intervention based on reducing sedentary behavior among mothers and their children. It utilizes a combination of music and exercise via a motivation-targeting movement-to-music video program in the home environment. Data were collected in summer 2014 from Finland’s Pirkanmaa region. Each mother–child pair (n = 24, child age: 4–7 years) was assigned to the intervention and control group. Both …

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Depressive Symptoms Are Associated With Decreased Quality of Life and Work Ability in Currently Working Health Care Workers With Recurrent Low Back Pain

OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the association between depressive symptoms and multisite pain and health-related quality of life and work ability in currently employed health care workers with recurrent low back pain (LBP). METHODS: Multisite pain, depressive symptoms, quality of life, and work ability were assessed by validated questionnaires. A generalized linear model was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Notably, 28% of female health care workers with LBP had at least moderate levels of depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms were significantly associated with decreased health-related quality of life and work ability. Multisite pain was not significantly associated with work …

research product

Device-based physical activity levels among Finnish adolescents with functional limitations.

Abstract Background Monitoring physical activity among young adolescents with disabilities is a top academic priority. People with disabilities are a diverse group with various abilities in different human functioning. Therefore, we used a novel approach through functional limitations as a marker for disabilities and examined physical activity levels. Objective To investigate the levels and differences in light (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous (MVPA) intensity physical activity between young adolescents with and without functional limitations. Methods The study included young adolescents (n = 1436) aged 11–15 years olds who attended general schools that were part of the 2016 Finnish School-ag…

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