Eugênia Viana Cerqueira
Les inégalités de mobilité dans les franges périphériques de Belo Horizonte (Brésil) : quelles évolutions ?
International audience
Exploring current and desired teleworking frequency in the Paris Metropolitan Area
Flexible work arrangements and household-related journeys. Who takes the lead in dual-earner heterosexual couples?
International audience; This research provides an exploration of the relationship between flexible work arrangements (FWA), CO2 emissions, and household travel allocation among dual-earner couples. Using data from the United Kingdom National Travel Survey for the period between 2002 and 2017, we develop a path analysis approach based on SEM that allows for a comprehensive study of travel behavior and trade-off effects. Results suggest that, although the partner who benefits from FWAs tends to carry out domestic provision and maintenance activities, the allocation of tasks within the household is still asymmetrical. Results also outline that the presence of children will intensely affect the…
Quand les temps du travail bousculent la mobilité du quotidien
Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilité 2019, Montréal, CANADA, 11-/06/2019 - 13/06/2019