Juan Barranco
Confronting spin flavor solutions of the solar neutrino problem with current and future solar neutrino data
We show that spin flavor precession solutions to the solar neutrino problem, although preferred by the latest solar data, are ruled out by the first results from the KamLAND reactor experiment, at more than 3_sigma. An illustrative chi2 plot comparing these descriptions with oscillations is given.
Constraining Nonstandard Neutrino-Electron Interactions
We present a detailed analysis on nonstandard neutrino interactions (NSI) with electrons including all muon and electron (anti)-neutrino data from existing accelerators and reactors, in conjunction with the ``neutrino counting'' data (e- e+ -> nu nu gamma) from the four LEP collaborations. First we perform a one-parameter-at-a-time analysis, showing how most constraints improve with respect to previous results reported in the literature. We also present more robust results where the NSI parameters are allowed to vary freely in the analysis. We show the importance of combining LEP data with the other experiments in removing degeneracies in the global analysis constraining flavor-conservin…
Constraining non-standard interactions in nu(e) - e or anti-nu(e) - e scattering
We present a new analysis of non-universal and flavor changing non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI) in \nu_e e or \bar{\nu}_e e scattering. Our global analysis of these process includes all relevant experiments, such as the most recent MUNU measurement from reactor neutrinos, both in the context of the Standard Model as well as extensions where NSI are present. We also compare our constraints on non-universal and flavor changing NSI with results from previous analyses. We stress the importance of combining neutrino and anti-neutrino data in the resulting constraints on electroweak paramaters, and the important role that future low energy solar neutrino experiments can play in improving …