Wirbelsäulenmanifestationen der chronischen rekurrierenden multifokalen Osteomyelitis (CRMO)
Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is a systemic osteo-articular disease that is characterized by a sterile, primarily chronic osteomyelitis with various distribution patterns of the individual lesions. In this article, we describe the "axial type" with predominant involvement of the spine, which represents 13 of our 41 CRMO cases of different age groups. The important element of its diagnosis is the typical lympho-plasmacellular spondylitis that can be detected and staged by scintigraphy, MRI and conventional radiography. Potentially affected are all vertebrae from the mid-cervical spine to the sacrum. One or several segments can be involved, sometimes as transient inflammat…