Inverted-conical light guide for crosstalk reduction in tightly-packed scintillator matrix and MAPMT assembly
Abstract In this paper we present the Inverted-Conical light guide designed for optical crosstalk reduction in the scintillator-MAPMT assemblies. The research was motivated by the 30% crosstalk observed in UFFO X-ray telescope , UBAT, during the preliminary calibration with MAPMTs of 64 2.88 × 2.88 mm2 pixels and identically gridded YSO crystal matrices. We began the study with the energy and crosstalk calibrations of the detector, then we constructed a GEANT4 simulation with the customized metallic film model as the MAPMT photocathode . The simulation reproduced more than 70% of the crosstalk and explained it as a consequence of the total reflection produced by the photocathode. The result…