Time to initiation of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with rapidly proliferating early breast cancer
Aim To evaluate the optimal time interval from definitive surgery to commencing chemotherapy in early breast cancer (EBC). Patients and methods The relationship between time to initiation of adjuvant chemotherapy (TTC), calculated in weeks, and disease-free (DFS) or overall survival (OS), was assessed in 921 EBC patients with rapidly proliferating tumours (thymidine labelling index >3% or G3 or Ki67 >20%), randomised in a phase III clinical trial (NCT01031030) to receive chemotherapy with or without anthracyclines (epirubicin → cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil (CMF) versus CMF → epirubicin versus CMF). DFS, OS and 95% confidence intervals (95% confidence interval (CI)) …