Cecilia Buccheri
Knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices of food service staff in nursing homes and long-term care facilities
The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes and practices of food service staff in nursing homes and long-term care facilities for the elderly in Sicily, Italy. Association with some demographic and work-related variables was also investigated. This survey provides information and outlines many complex questions concerning the basics of food hygiene. Education level, length of service in the employment and attending courses on food hygiene influenced the knowledge, attitudes and practices of food service staff. This study has evidenced the need for continuous training among food service staff regarding food safety in LTCF and nursing homes.
Food safety in hospitals and in nursing homes for the elderly: knowledge, attitudes and practices of nurses and domestic staff
Food safety in hospital: knowledge, attitudes and practices of nursing staff of two hospitals in Sicily, Italy.
Abstract Background Food hygiene in hospital poses peculiar problems, particularly given the presence of patients who could be more vulnerable than healthy subjects to microbiological and nutritional risks. Moreover, in nosocomial outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease, the mortality risk has been proved to be significantly higher than the community outbreaks and highest for foodborne outbreaks. On the other hand, the common involvement in the role of food handlers of nurses or domestic staff, not specifically trained about food hygiene and HACCP, may represent a further cause of concern. The purpose of this study was to evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning food safet…
Additional file 1 of Food safety in hospital: knowledge, attitudes and practices of nursing staff of two hospitals in Sicily, Italy
Additional file 1: Questionnaire about food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of nursing staff of two hospitals in Sicily, Italy. It included five sections: a) demographic characteristics, employment status and hospital/ward where the nurse worked; b) knowledge about food hygiene; c) attitudes towards prevention of foodborne diseases; d) measures to be used in prevention of foodborne diseases; e) sources of information about food hygiene. (DOC 33 KB)
Additional file 2 of Food safety in hospital: knowledge, attitudes and practices of nursing staff of two hospitals in Sicily, Italy
Authors’ original file for figure 1