Maria Zizzo
Degraded Gerber Saddles in RC Bridges
Sudden failure of reinforced concrete (RC) or prestressed concrete (PC) Gerber saddles of bridges and viaducts has occurred all around in the word in the last few years due to corrosion of steel bars. The danger of sudden and brittle failure is often due to general and pitting corrosion of steel bars, concrete crushing, and loss of bond in steel bars. In this paper, the flexural response of reinforced concrete Gerber supports under their self-weight with or without service loads was investigated through determination of the load-deflection response of beams, with the focus on the consequences of pitting corrosion and loss of bond in steel bars. A simplified strut-and-tie model was developed…
Out-of-Plane Behavior of URM Infill: Accuracy of Available Capacity Models
The aim of this paper is to check the accuracy of analytical capacity models available for the prediction of out-of-plane strength of unreinforced masonry (URM) infill walls. The accuracy of the available models is checked by detailed comparison with the existing experimental results. In doing so, both types of capacity models are evaluated: Type I for the prediction of the strength in the undamaged state, and Type II for the prediction of strength reduction in the in-plane damaged state. Results from the calculations are discussed, and the best among the available models are recommended. Furthermore, the influence of orthotropy of the infill masonry in the out-of-plane capacity predicted b…