Michaela Riediger


Affective values may shape how affect is linked to health and well-being. Much of the work to date, however, has focused mostly on younger, European American adult samples. Yet, emotional experiences are known to take on greater importance in later life. In the current study, 313 participants (65+ years old) from the Daily Experiences and Well-Being Study (DEWS) completed baseline interviews, questionnaires, and 4–5 days of ecological momentary assessments (EMA). The baseline EMA surveys assessed momentary affect whereas the questionnaires assessed negative affect valuation (NAV): the extent to which people recognize value in negative emotional experiences in terms of their pleasantness, ap…

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Context plays a potentially important role in explaining variability in affective experiences and yet, has often been overlooked in this line of research. The current study used data from a lifespan sample of 398 German participants ranging between 12–88 years of age (M = 40, SD = 20). Participants completed computer assisted personal interviews regarding health and well-being measures, as well as experience sampling assessments of daily affective experiences and events (e.g., uplifts). Three indices of positive affect (PA) were created: mean PA, PA reactivity to uplifts, and PA variability. In general, greater mean PA and lower PA reactivity and variability were associated with better heal…

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Diurnal coupling between testosterone and cortisol from adolescence to older adulthood

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axes are typically conceptualized as mutually inhibitory systems; however, previous studies have found evidence for positive within-person associations (i.e., coupling) between cortisol and testosterone. One developmental hypothesis is that positive testosterone-cortisol coupling is unique to the adolescent period and that coupling becomes attenuated, or even switches direction, in adulthood. This study used a lifespan sample (N = 292, ages 11 to 88) to test for age-related differences in coupling between cortisol and testosterone in daily life. Participants provided salivary hormone samples at waking, 30 minu…

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Supplemental_Material – Supplemental material for “The sound of affect”: Age differences in perceiving valence and arousal in music and their relation to music characteristics and momentary mood

Supplemental material, Supplemental_Material for “The sound of affect”: Age differences in perceiving valence and arousal in music and their relation to music characteristics and momentary mood by Caroline Cohrdes, Cornelia Wrzus, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann and Michaela Riediger in Musicae Scientiae

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“The sound of affect”: Age differences in perceiving valence and arousal in music and their relation to music characteristics and momentary mood

Throughout life, music plays an important role in individuals’ everyday affective experiences. Previous findings suggest that preferences for, and perceptions of, music with distinct affective qualities might differ for individuals from different age groups. To date, however, evidence from age-comparative studies across adulthood is rare and little is known about the mechanisms that contribute to age differences in music perception. In an age-heterogeneous sample ranging from adolescence to old adulthood ( n = 50; 12–75 years), we investigated differences in affect perceptions of 147 sounds and 465 songs of various musical styles and dates of origin, as well as the respective roles of musi…

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