Julia Gottschall
The New European Wind Atlas Model Chain
The New European Wind Atlas (NEWA), the largest European project on wind resource assessment technology, has developed mesoscale-to-microscale wind atlas and site assessment methodologies alongside a validation strategy that leverages data from large field experiments as well as wind resource campaigns from industry through a formal verification and validation process. A probabilistic wind atlas approach, based on a multi-physics ensemble, provides means to quantify the uncertainty associated to the mesoscale configuration. Offline meso-micro coupling has been adopted to provide a modular approach for microscale models of different fidelities to share common mesoscale input data. An opensou…
New European Wind Atlas: Mesoscale Atlas
The mesoscale part of the New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) was created from WRF model simulations for all of Europe at a grid spacing of 3 km x 3 km, initially covering the 30 years from 1989 to 2018. The WRF model simulations (using WRF V3.8.1) were done in 10 partly overlapping domains using ERA5 reanalysis and OSTIA sea surface temperatures. We used many ensemble members to determine the most suitable configuration for the final production run. The model configuration, production and evaluation of the results against observations are described in Hahmann et al. (2020) and Dörenkämper et al. (2020).Data are accessible through doWIND, an instance of daTap (RESTfull API for data aggregation a…