Factors affecting recurrence and progression in superficial bladder tumours
Prognostic factors in superficial bladder tumours are highly correlated with each other. In this study, their relative importance is examined and grouping of patients in three different prognostic groups suggested. 576 patients (from EORTC protocols 30790 and 30782) were analysed. They have been followed from 3 months to 8.6 years with a median of 4 years. 76 patients developed an invasive tumour (or = T2); the shortest time to invasion was 12 weeks, the longest was 6.6 years. Time from invasion to death ranged from 3 weeks to 4.4 years with a median of 2 years. Prognostic factors contributing to recurrence, invasion and survival were investigated: age, sex, size of largest tumour, number o…