A. Rus Hoelzel
Sex-specific impact of inbreeding on pathogen load in the striped dolphin.
The impact of inbreeding on fitness has been widely studied and provides consequential inference about adaptive potential and the impact on survival for reduced and fragmented natural populations. Correlations between heterozygosity and fitness are common in the literature, but they rarely inform about the likely mechanisms. Here, we investigate a pathology with a clear impact on health in striped dolphin hosts (a nematode infection that compromises lung function). Dolphins varied with respect to their parasite burden of this highly pathogenic lung nematode (Skrjabinalius guevarai). Genetic diversity revealed by high-resolution restriction-associated DNA (43 018 RADseq single nucleotide pol…
Supplementary tables and figures from Sex-specific impact of inbreeding on pathogen load in the striped dolphin
The impact of inbreeding on fitness has been widely studied and provides consequential inference about the adaptive potential and the impact on survival for reduced and fragmented natural populations. Correlations between heterozygosity and fitness are common in the literature, but they rarely inform about the likely mechanisms. Here, we investigate a pathology with a clear impact on health in striped dolphin hosts (a nematode infection that compromises lung function). Dolphins varied with respect to their parasite burden of this highly pathogenic lung nematode (Skrjabinalius guevarai). Genetic diversity revealed by high-resolution restriction-associated DNA (43 018 RADseq SNPs) analyses sh…
Pig domestication and human-mediated dispersal in western Eurasia revealed through ancient DNA and geometric morphometrics.
Zooarcheological evidence suggests that pigs were domesticated in Southwest Asia ∼8,500 BC. They then spread across the Middle and Near East and westward into Europe alongside early agriculturalists. European pigs were either domesticated independently or more likely appeared so as a result of admixture between introduced pigs and European wild boar. As a result, European wild boar mtDNA lineages replaced Near Eastern/Anatolian mtDNA signatures in Europe and subsequently replaced indigenous domestic pig lineages in Anatolia. The specific details of these processes, however, remain unknown. To address questions related to early pig domestication, dispersal, and turnover in the Near East, we …
Biogeography and temporal progression during the evolution of striped dolphin population structure in European waters
Aim: We investigated the population genetic structure of a highly mobile marine species, the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833), along a geographical range with habitat transitions and historical dynamics to identify the causes of genetic divergence, and to assess the effect of past climate change on demography and population connectivity. Location: North-east Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Methods: Twenty microsatellite loci were used in conjunction with coalescent methods to investigate the genetic structure and demographic history of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Mediterranean Sea and eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Approximate Bayesian modelling …