José Antonio Oller

Resonances, chiral symmetry, coupled channel unitarity and effective Lagrangians

By means of a coupled channel non-perturbative unitary approach, it is possible to extend the strong constrains of Chiral Perturbation Theory to higher energies. In particular, it is possible to reproduce the lowest lying resonances in meson-meson scattering up to 1.2 GeV using the parameters of the O(p^2) and O(p^4) Chiral Lagrangian. We report on an update of these results examining their possible relevance for meson spectroscopy.

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The Case of a WW Dynamical Scalar Resonance within a Chiral Effective Description of the Strongly Interacting Higgs Sector

We have studied the strongly interacting $W_L W_L \to W_L W_L$ I=L=0 partial wave amplitude making use of effective chiral Lagrangians. The Higgs boson is explicitly included and the N/D method is used to unitarize the amplitude. We recover the chiral perturbative expansion at next to leading order for low energies. The cases $m_H<< 4��v$ and $m_H>> 4 ��v$ are considered in detail. It is shown that in the latter situation a state appears with a mass $\lesssim 1$ TeV. This state is dynamically generated through the strong interactions between the $W_L$ and is not responsible for the spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking. However, its shape can be very similar to that of the $…

research product

Cèdula, 1785, 02, 13

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research product

Chiral unitary approach to meson-meson and meson-baryon interactions and nuclear applications

We report on recent nonperturbative techniques that combine the information of chiral Lagrangians (with and without resonances) with unitarity in coupled channels and other requirements of the S-matrix theory of the strong interactions. As a result, the region of applicability of such techniques is much larger than the one of Chiral Perturbation Theory allowing one to study also resonance physics. Applications to meson-meson and meson-baryon scattering, as well as to problems where pairs of mesons or a meson and a baryon appear in the initial or final state are shown. Implications in several nuclear problems are also discussed.

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Structure of Λ(1405) and chiral dynamics

We report on a recent theoretical work on the structure of the Λ(1405) resonance within a chiral unitary approach, in which the resonance is dynamically generated in meson-baryon scattering. Studying the analytic structure of the scattering amplitude, we have found that there are two poles lying around energies of Λ(1405) with different widths and couplings to the meson-baryon states. We discuss reactions to conform the double pole structure in experiment and elastic K − p scattering at low energies.

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N/Ddescription of two meson amplitudes and chiral symmetry

The most general structure of an elastic partial wave amplitude when the unphysical cuts are neglected is deduced in terms of the N/D method. This result is then matched to lowest order, ${\mathcal{O}}(p^2)$, Chiral Perturbation Theory($\chi$PT) and to the exchange (consistent with chiral symmetry) of resonances in the s-channel. The extension of the method to coupled channels is also given. Making use of the former formalism, the $\pi\pi$ and $K\pi$(I=1/2) P-wave scattering amplitudes are described without free parameters when taking into account relations coming from the 1/$N_c$ expansion and unitarity. Next, the scalar sector is studied and good agreement with experiment up to $\sqrt{s}=…

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Chiral symmetry amplitudes in the S-wave isoscalar and isovector channels and the σ, f[sub 0](980), a[sub 0](980) scalar mesons

We use a nonperturbative approach which combines coupled channel Lippmann Schwinger equations with meson-meson potentials provided by the lowest order chiral Lagrangian. By means of one parameter, a cut off in the momentum of the loop integrals, which results of the order of 1 GeV, we obtain singularities in the S-wave amplitudes corresponding to the σ, f0 and a0 resonances. The ππ→ππ, ππ→KK phase shifts and inelasticities in the T=0 scalar channel are well reproduced as well as the π0η and KK mass distributions in the T=1 channel. Furthermore, the total and partial decay widths of the f0 and a0 resonances are properly reproduced. The results seem to indicate that chiral symmetry constraint…

research product

Recent progress on the chiral unitary approach to meson meson and meson baryon interactions

We report on recent progress on the chiral unitary approach, analogous to the effective range expansion in Quantum Mechanics, which is shown to have a much larger convergence radius than ordinary chiral perturbation theory, allowing one to reproduce data for meson meson interaction up to 1.2 GeV. Applications to physical processes so far unsuited for a standard chiral perturbative approach are presented. Results for the extension of these ideas to the meson baryon sector are discussed, together with applications to kaons in a nuclear medium and $K^-$ atoms.

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Light quark masses from scalar sum rules

7 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tabla.-- arXiv:hep-ph/0110194v2

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Pion and kaon vector form factors

We develop a unitarity approach to consider the final state interaction corrections to the tree level graphs calculated from Chiral Perturbation Theory ($\chi PT$) allowing the inclusion of explicit resonance fields. The method is discussed considering the coupled channel pion and kaon vector form factors. These form factors are then matched with the one loop $\chi PT$ results. A very good description of experimental data is accomplished for the vector form factors and for the $\pi\pi$ P-wave phase shifts up to $\sqrt{s}\lesssim 1.2$ GeV, beyond which multiparticle states play a non negligible role. In particular the low and resonance energy regions are discussed in detail and for the forme…

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A non-perturbative chiral approach for meson-meson interactions

A non-perturbative method which combines constraints from chiral symmetry breaking and coupled channel unitarity is used to describe meson-meson interactions up to \sqrt{s}\lesssim 1.2 GeV, extending in this way the range of applicability of the information contained in Chiral Perturbation Theory (\chi PT), since this perturbative series is typically restricted to \sqrt{s}\lesssim 500 MeV. The approach uses the O(p^2) and O(p^4) \chiPT Lagrangians. The seven free parameters resulting from the O(p^4) Lagrangian are fitted to the experimental data. The approach makes use of the expansion of T^{-1} instead of the amplitude itself as done in \chiPT. The former expansion is suggested by analogy …

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Strangeness-changing scalar form factors

30 páginas, 2 tablas, 10 figuras.-- arXiv:hep-ph/0110193v1

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S-wave Kpi scattering in chiral perturbation theory with resonances

32 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas.-- PACS: 11.80.Et; 12.39.Fe; 13.75.Lb; 13.85.Fb.-- arXiv:hep-ph/0006045v1

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Nonperturbative approach to effective chiral Lagrangians and meson interactions

We develop a coupled channel unitary approach describing the behavior at higher energies of systems whose low-energy dynamics is given by effective O(p^2) and O(p^4) chiral Lagrangians. Our free parameters are those of the O(p^4) Lagrangian. When applied to the meson-meson interaction, it yields a remarkable agreement with data up to sqrt{s}=1.2 GeV, dynamically generating the sigma, f_0, a_0,rho and K^* resonances. Further applications are also proposed.

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Dynamical generation of hyperon resonances

In this talk we report on how, using a chiral unitary approach for the meson--baryon interactions, two octets of $J^{\pi}=1/2^-$ baryon states and a singlet are generated dynamically, resulting in the case of strangeness $S=-1$ in two poles of the scattering matrix close to the nominal $\Lambda(1405)$ resonance. We suggest experiments which could show evidence for the existence of these states.

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Chiral dynamics and the reactions pp↦dK+ and pp↦dπ+η

We perform a study of the final-state interactions of the K+\(\) and the \(\)d systems in the reactions pp↦dK+\(\) and pp↦dπ+η. Since the two-meson system couples strongly to the a0(980) resonance, these reactions are expected to be an additional source of information about the controversial scalar sector. We also show that these reactions present peculiar features which can shed additional light on the much debated meson-baryon scalar sector with strangeness -1. We deduce the general structure of the amplitudes close to the dK+\(\) threshold, allowing for primary K+\(\) as well as π+η production with the two mesons in relative S- or P-wave. The interactions of the mesons are accounted for …

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Orderp6chiral couplings from the scalarK  form factor

15 páginas, 2 tablas.-- arXiv:hep-ph/0401080v2

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Finite volume treatment of ππ scattering and limits to phase shifts extraction from lattice QCD

We study theoretically the effects of finite volume for pipi scattering in order to extract physical observables for infinite volume from lattice QCD. We compare three different approaches for pipi scattering (lowest order Bethe-Salpeter approach, N/D and inverse amplitude methods) with the aim to study the effects of the finite size of the box in the potential of the different theories, specially the left-hand cut contribution through loops in the crossed t,u-channels. We quantify the error made by neglecting these effects in usual extractions of physical observables from lattice QCD spectra. We conclude that for pipi phase-shifts in the scalar-isoscalar channel up to 800 MeV this effect i…

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Chiral unitary dynamics of hadrons and hadrons in a nuclear medium

4th DAE-BRNS Workshop on Hadron Physics. Aligarh Muslim Univ, Dept Phys, Aligarh, INDIA, FEB 18-23, 2008

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The strangeness content of the nucleon from effective field theory and phenomenology

We revisit the classical relation between the strangeness content of the nucleon, the pion-nucleon sigma term and the $SU(3)_F$ breaking of the baryon masses in the context of Lorentz covariant chiral perturbation theory with explicit decuplet-baryon resonance fields. We find that a value of the pion-nucleon sigma term of $\sim$60 MeV is not necessarily at odds with a small strangeness content of the nucleon, in line with the fulfillment of the OZI rule. Moreover, this value is indeed favored by our next-to-leading order calculation. We compare our results with earlier ones and discuss the convergence of the chiral series as well as the uncertainties of chiral approaches to the determinatio…

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Improved description of the -scattering phenomenology at low energies in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory

Abstract We present a novel analysis of the π N scattering amplitude in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to O ( p 3 ) within the extended-on-mass-shell renormalization scheme and including the Δ ( 1232 ) explicitly in the δ -counting. We take the hadronic phase shifts provided by partial wave analyses as basic experimental information to fix the low-energy constants. Subsequently, we study in detail the various observables and low-energy theorems related to the π N scattering amplitude. In particular, we discuss the results and chiral expansion of the phase shifts, the threshold coefficients, the Goldberger–Treiman relation, the pion–nucleon sigma term and the extrapolation on…

research product

Photoproduction of meson and baryon resonances in a chiral unitary approach

By means of a coupled channel non-perturbative unitary approach, it is possible to extend the strong constrains of Chiral Perturbation Theory to higher energies. In particular, it is possible to reproduce the lowest lying resonances in meson-meson scattering up to 1.2 GeV using the parameters of the O(p^2) and O(p^4) Chiral Lagrangian. The meson baryon sector can also be tackled along similar lines. We report on an update of these results showing some examples of photon induced reactions where the techniques have been recently applied.

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Scalar K pi form factor and light quark masses

5 páginas, 2 figuras, 2 tablas.-- PACS numbers: 12.15.Ff, 14.65.Bt, 11.55.Hx.-- arXiv:hep-ph/0605095v2

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Meson-meson interactions in a nonperturbative chiral approach

A non-perturbative method which combines constraints from chiral symmetry breaking and coupled channel unitarity is used to describe the meson-meson interaction up to about 1.2 GeV. The approach uses the O(p^2) and O(p^4) chiral Lagrangians. The seven free parameters of the O(p^4) Lagrangian are fitted to the data. The results are in good agreement with a vast amount of experimental analyses. The amplitudes develop poles in the complex plane corresponding to the f0, a0, rho, K*, phi, sigma and kappa resonances; the latter two, very broad. The total and partial decay widths of the resonances are also well reproduced. Further extensions and applications of this chiral non-perturbative scheme …

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SU(3) Chiral approach to meson and baryon dynamics

We report on recent progress on the chiral unitary approach, which is shown to have a much larger convergence radius than ordinary chiral perturbation theory, allowing one to reproduce data for meson meson interaction up to 1.2 GeV and meson baryon interaction up to the first baryonic resonances. Applications to physical processes so far unsuited for a standard chiral perturbative approach are presented, concretely the K^- p\to\Lambda(1405)\gamma reaction and the N^\ast (1535)N^\ast(1535)\pi and \eta couplings.

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Recent Developments in Chiral Unitary Dynamics of Resonances

In this talk I summarize recent findings made on the description of axial vector mesons as dynamically generated states from the interaction of peseudoscalar mesons and vector mesons, dedicating some attention to the two $K_1(1270)$ states. Then I review the generation of open and hidden charm scalar and axial states. Finally, I present recent results showing that the low lying $1/2^+$ baryon resonances for S=-1 can be obtained as bound states or resonances of two mesons and one baryon in coupled channels dynamics.

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πNscattering in relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory reexamined

We have analyzed pion-nucleon scattering using the manifestly relativistic covariant framework of infrared regularization up to $\mathcal{O}({q}^{3})$ in the chiral expansion, where $q$ is a generic small momentum. We describe the low-energy phase shifts with a similar quality as previously achieved with heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory, $\sqrt{s}\ensuremath{\lesssim}1.14$ GeV. New values are provided for the $\mathcal{O}({q}^{2})$ and $\mathcal{O}({q}^{3})$ low-energy constants, which are compared with previous determinations. This is also the case for the scattering lengths and volumes. Finally, we have unitarized the previous amplitudes and as a result the energy range where data …

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D. Joseph Antonio Oller, Secretario de Camara del Rey nuestro Señor, y del Acuerdo y Gobierno de esta su Corte y Audiencia, ... : Certifico: Que en dicho Real Acuerdo pende Expediente sobre el debido y exacto cumplimiento de la Real Cedula, ... para que se eviten en lo sucesivo las Epidemias de Tercianas...

Precedeix al text: [creu de Malta Reclams

research product

Meson exchange currents in kaon scattering on the lightest nuclei

The K^+ scattering on the lightest nuclei, d, 3He and 4He is studied in the framework of multiple scattering theory. Effects from MEC tied to the K^+N-->KNpi reaction are evaluated. We found that at momentum transfers Q^2<0.5 (GeV/c)^2 contributions from MEC are much smaller than kaon rescattering corrections. This makes the conventional multiple scattering picture a reliable tool to study these reactions in this kinematical domain and to extract the K^+n scattering amplitude from the K^+d data. At larger transferred momentum MEC can become more relevant.

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Working group on goldstone boson production and decay

This is the summary of the working group on Goldstone Boson Production and Decay of the Chiral Dynamics Workshop in Mainz, September 1–5, 1997. For the production aspects we discuss π0 and η production in nucleon-nucleon collisions and the behaviour of hadrons in various sum rules. For the decays we present a discussion on various K, η and π decay channels. Other aspects discussed are a new treatment of meson-meson scattering, the light-by-light contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment and progress in various aspects of the p 6 generating functional in the mesonic sector.

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Clues for the existence of twoK1(1270)resonances

The axial-vector meson ${K}_{1}(1270)$ was studied within the chiral unitary approach, where it was shown that it has a two-pole structure. We reanalyze the high-statistics WA3 experiment ${K}^{\ensuremath{-}}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{K}^{\ensuremath{-}}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ensuremath{-}}p$ at 63 GeV, which established the existence of both ${K}_{1}(1270)$ and ${K}_{1}(1400)$, and we show that it clearly favors our two-pole interpretation. We also reanalyze the traditional $K$-matrix interpretation of the WA3 data and find that the good fit of the data obtained there comes from large cancellations of terms of unclear physical interpretation.

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