P Gontero
CORSO Carcinoma vescicale non muscolo invasivo : qualità del trattamento endoscopico
Sebbene la resezione endoscopica per via transuretrale (TURBT) rappresenti lo standard per la diagnosi, la stadiazione e il primo trattamento delle neoplasie vescicali, la sua efficacia rimane ad oggi limitata a causa di numerose limitazioni intrinseche alla stessa procedura. I principali limiti oncologici della TURBT sono rappresentati da – violazione della asportazione en bloc della neoplasia, -inefficacia nei confronti delle lesioni piatte o non riconoscibile endoscopicamente, -incompletezza della resezione. Anche la qualità della esecuzione tecnica della resezione, in mancanza di adeguati standard e programmi di insegnamento è ridotta in moltissimi contesti clinici. Di conseguenza, la T…
Prognostic factors and risk groups in T1G3 patients initially treated with BCG: Results of a multicenter retrospective series in 1743 patients
Introduction and Objectives: The impact of prognostic factors in T1G3 patients (pts) is critical for proper treatment decision making, however most available data are from small series of pts. The aim of the current study is to assess prognostic factors in a large group of pts who received BCG as initial treatment of T1G3 tumours and identify a subgroup of high risk pts who should be considered for early cystectomy. Patients and Methods: Individual pt data were collected for 1743 ptsfrom 20 centers who received induction or maintenance BCG between 1990 and 2008. Using Cox regression analysis, the prognostic importance of the following variables were assessed for time to recurrence, progress…
Focal therapy in localised prostate cancer: Real-world urological perspective explored in a cross-sectional European survey
Introduction: The urological community's opinion over focal therapy (FT) for prostate cancer (PCa) has never been assessed. Our aim was to investigate the current opinion on FT in the European urological community. Methods: A 25 -item questionnaire was devised according to the Cherries checklist and distributed through SurveyMonkey using a web link from November 2016 to October 2017. After a pilot validation (n=40 urologists), the survey was sent through EAU and 9 other national European urological societies mailing list. Twitter was also used. Results: We received 484 replies from 51 countries. Almost half (44.8%, n=217) stated FT would represent a step forward, and 52.0% (n=252) would sug…