The effect of diode laser irradiation associated with photoabsorbing agents containing remineralizing materials on microhardness, morphology and chemical structure of early enamel caries
This study investigated the effects of laser irradiation associated with photo-absorbing agents containing sodium fluoride (NaF), MI paste Plus or Remin Pro® on microhardness and surface structure of white spot lesions (WSLs). Fifty-six premolars were divided into two halves, then immersed in a demineraling solution to induce WSLs. The samples were divided into 8 groups by treatment (n=12) : (1) control, (2) diode laser (810 nm, 500 mW, 90 s), (3) NaF, (4) MI Paste plus, (5) Remin Pro®, (6) NaF + Laser, (7) MI Paste Plus + Laser, (8) Remin Pro® + Laser. Microhardness was measured before and after remineralization treatments. Two samples from each group were selected for SEM analysis. Microh…