Carmen Dasí Vivó
Relació entre esports d’equip i empatia en l’adolescència
L’empatia és la capacitat de posar-se en el lloc d’un altre individu i interpretar la realitat des del seu punt de vista. Aquest estudi es va centrar a analitzar les diferències existents entre practicants d’esports d’equip i esports individuals i entre homes i dones en empatia. La mostra va estar composta per 97 adolescents federats més d’un any, dels quals 43 eren dones i 54 eren homes. 25 practicaven esport individual i 72 algun esport d’equip. Els resultats obtinguts en l’escala d’empatia de Baron-Cohen –EQ–, han mostrat que els practicants d’esports d’equip són més empàtics que els d’esports individuals, i que les dones ho són més que els homes. No obstant això, seria convenient realit…
Efecto de la repetición estimular sobre la activación : experimentación y simulación
Olvido dirigido de falsas memorias: ¿Podemos olvidar intencionalmente una falsa memoria?
Directed forgetting of false memories: Can we forget a false memory? In two directed forgetting experiments subjects were required to forget some false memories. In experiment 1 the 13 words from list 1 were related to a non presented critical word whereas the 13 words from list 2 were unrelated. In experiment 2 both list 1 and 2 had 18 words: 6 words related to a first critical word, 6 related to a second critical word, and the last 6 words to a third critical word. None of both experiments found inhibition of such false memories suggesting that is not possible to forget a false memory. Even in experiment 2 there was a trend to the appearance of a postsuppression rebound that would indicat…
Forma abreviada de la WAIS-IV: estudio piloto en pacientes con esquizofrenia
The aim of this study is to develop a WAIS-IV short form of the Spanish version for its use with schizophrenia patients, which would allow estimating their intellectual capacity in a short period of time (approximately 30 minutes). The sample was composed by a clinical group consisting of 35 schizophrenia patients and a control group consisting of 35 people with no known history of mental illness. Data demonstrated that the best combination of tests was: Similarities (Verbal comprehension), Visual puzzles (Perceptual reasoning), Arithmetic (Working memory) and Coding (Processing speed). With this short form, it was possible to obtain a linear correlation between the IQ of the full scale and…