Robert B. Weiss
Genome degeneration and adaptation in a nascent stage of symbiosis
Symbiotic associations between animals and microbes are ubiquitous in nature, with an estimated 15% of all insect species harboring intracellular bacterial symbionts. Most bacterial symbionts share many genomic features including small genomes, nucleotide composition bias, high coding density, and a paucity of mobile DNA, consistent with long-term host association. In this study, we focus on the early stages of genome degeneration in a recently derived insect-bacterial mutualistic intracellular association. We present the complete genome sequence and annotation of Sitophilus oryzae primary endosymbiont (SOPE). We also present the finished genome sequence and annotation of strain HS, a close…
Incipient genome erosion and metabolic streamlining for antibiotic production in a defensive symbiont
Significance Genome reduction is commonly observed in bacteria of several phyla engaging in obligate nutritional symbioses with insects. In Actinobacteria, however, little is known about the process of genome evolution, despite their importance as prolific producers of antibiotics and their increasingly recognized role as defensive partners of insects and other organisms. Here, we show that “Streptomyces philanthi,” a defensive symbiont of digger wasps, has a G+C-enriched genome in the early stages of erosion, with inactivating mutations in a large proportion of genes, causing dependency on its hosts for certain nutrients, which was validated in axenic symbiont cultures. Additionally, overe…