L Gil
Influence of capsaicin-sensitive afferent neurones on the acid secretory responses of the rat stomach in vivo.
1. The influence of capsaicin-sensitive afferent neurones in modulating acid-secretory responses has been investigated in the continuously perfused stomach of the anaesthetized rat. 2. Ablation of primary afferent neurones, after systemic neonatal pretreatment with high doses of capsaicin, did not modify acid responses to direct stimuli of the oxyntic cell with histamine (5 mg kg-1), pentagastrin (20 micrograms kg-1) or carbachol (4 micrograms kg-1). 3. Acid responses to hypoglycaemia induced by insulin (0.3 iu kg-1) were not influenced by systemic capsaicin pretreatment or by acute coeliac ganglionectomy. Vagotomy abolished this secretory response. 4. The increase in acid output induced by…
Mejorando la comprensión lectora: Desde la intervención metacognitiva en estrategias a la intervención en los procesos ejecutivos de la memoria operativa
Many students may read fluently but have difficulties constructing meaning from texts. Difficulties with reading comprehension have many implications at school. In particular, problems understanding texts interfere with studying and learning from text. Reading comprehension has improved in the last 30 years focusing on intervention programs that work with strategies in which metacog-nition plays a crucial role. However, recent years have seen relevant advances in the study of the relationship between working memory (WM), particularly executive processes, and reading comprehension. In this paper, we present how the last 20 years of our research has evolved regarding metacognitive interventio…