Tonje Stea

Additional file 1: of Tracking of fruit, vegetables and unhealthy snacks consumption from childhood to adulthood (15â year period): does exposure to a free school fruit programme modify the observed tracking?

CONSORT flow chart (word-file). (DOC 53 kb)

research product

Additional file 3: of Tracking of fruit, vegetables and unhealthy snacks consumption from childhood to adulthood (15â year period): does exposure to a free school fruit programme modify the observed tracking?

Table: Difference between drop-outs and respondents by group (word-file). (DOCX 19 kb)

research product

Additional file 4: of Tracking of fruit, vegetables and unhealthy snacks consumption from childhood to adulthood (15 year period): does exposure to a free school fruit programme modify the observed tracking?

Table: Overall difference mean/percentage between 1 ≥ missing and no missing within the intervention and control group (word-file). (DOCX 16 kb)

research product

Additional file 2: of Tracking of fruit, vegetables and unhealthy snacks consumption from childhood to adulthood (15â year period): does exposure to a free school fruit programme modify the observed tracking?

First page of both questionnaires (24â h-recall and FFQ) (PDF-file). (PDF 7 kb)

research product

MOESM1 of Time trends (1995–2008) in dietary habits among adolescents in relation to the Norwegian school fruit scheme: the HUNT study

Additional file 1. Odds ratio for daily consumption of fruit stratified by group. (DOCX 22 kb)

research product

Additional file 1: of The association between time scarcity, sociodemographic correlates and consumption of ultra-processed foods among parents in Norway: a cross-sectional study

HSL Questionnaire. Questionnaire. English translation of the combined questionnaire from the cross-sectional studies The Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle project and the Child Food Courage project. (ZIP 293 kb)

research product