Ernesto Schiefelbein

An adult life cycle perspective on public subsidies to higher education in three countries

Studies of the incidence of public susidies to higher education have commonly disregarded adjustements to an appropriate age range in the parental reference populations. Even where the need for such adjustements is noted, implications have rarely if ever been systematically analyzed. Moreover, no attention whatsoever seems to have been paid to implications for adult life-cycle experiences let alone secular changes in experiences over successive cohorts. The present paper seeks to fill part of these gaps, drawing on relevant parts of our research on "the political economy of government support of higher education : studies in Chile, France and Malaysia".

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Informe Preliminar Sobre la Encuesta de Prácticas Docentes en Países en Vía de Desarrollo

This paper illustrates a research method appropriate for researchers examining teaching practices and teacher training in poor countries. The method of research described here does not compare with large scale studies in terms of sample size, scientific rigor, and sophisticated statistical analysis. We believe, however, that it can, provide valid information sufficient in accuracy for policy making. Most importantly, we believe, this method offers a feasible way for national researchers to explore why teachers teach as they do in their country. A fundamental assumption is that once in the classroom most teachers learn little more about teaching. In the absence of any systematic feedback or …

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