A Unifying Framework for Perturbative Exponential Factorizations
We propose a framework where Fer and Wilcox expansions for the solution of differential equations are derived from two particular choices for the initial transformation that seeds the product expansion. In this scheme, intermediate expansions can also be envisaged. Recurrence formulas are developed. A new lower bound for the convergence of theWilcox expansion is provided, as well as some applications of the results. In particular, two examples are worked out up to a high order of approximation to illustrate the behavior of the Wilcox expansion.
Invariant rotational curves in Sitnikov's Problem
The Sitnikov's Problem is a Restricted Three-Body Problem of Celestial Mechanics depending on a parameter, the eccentricity,e. The Hamiltonian,H(z, v, t, e), does not depend ont ife=0 and we have an integrable system; ife is small the KAM Theory proves the existence of invariant rotational curves, IRC. For larger eccentricities, we show that there exist two complementary sequences of intervals of values ofe that accumulate to the maximum admissible value of the eccentricity, 1, and such that, for one of the sequences IRC around a fixed point persist. Moreover, they shrink to the planez=0 ase tends to 1.