Staphylococcal alpha-toxin kills human keratinocytes by permeabilizing the plasma membrane for monovalent ions
Incubation of human keratinocytes with nanomolar concentrations of Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin leads to irreversible depletion of cellular ATP. The toxin forms hexamers in the target cell membranes, and rapid transmembrane flux of K+, Na+, and 86Rb+ is observed. Unexpectedly, pores formed in keratinocytes through application of low but lethal doses of alpha-toxin appeared to be considerably smaller than those formed in erythrocyte membranes. They permitted neither rapid influx of Ca2+ or propidium iodide, nor efflux of carboxyfluorescein. Larger pores allowing flux of all three markers did form when the toxin was applied at high concentrations. Flux of monovalent ions and reduction in…