Dominique Laffly

High density coverage investigation of The Austre LovénBreen (Svalbard) using Ground Penetrating Radar

COM; International audience; A three week field survey over April 2010 allowed for the acquisition of 120 Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) profiles, adding to a 40 km long walk across an Arctic glacier. The profiles were acquired using a Mal°a equipment with 100 MHz antennas, walking slowly enough to record a 2.224 s trace every 30 cm on the average. Some acquisitions were repeated with 50 MHz or 200 MHz antenna to improve data quality. The GPR was coupled to a GPS system to position traces. Each profile has been manually edited using standard GPR data processing, to pick the reflection arrival time from the ice-bedrock interface. Traveltimes were converted to ice thickness using a velocity o…

research product

Using ground based high resolution photography for seasonal snow and ice dynamics (Austre Lovénbreen, Svalbard, 79°N)

COM; International audience; As is the case in many regions, arctic glaciers are reliable indicators of global climate changes. Within this context, the observed ev olutions are becoming faster and more unpre- dictable. Snow and ice dynamics are directly affected, and following processes becomes challenging: some fast but key events can be missed since they are short but significant. Such observations have been made in the Austre Lovénbreen basin (Spitsbergen, Norway - 79°N) during the Hydro-sensor-FlOWS program. In order to perform long term daily monitoring of the glacier basin behaviour aimed at a local scale understanding of the phenomena driving the glacier evolution, satellite imagery…

research product

Variations en surface et en volume du glacier Loven Est (79°N, Spitsberg) en relation avec les changements climatiques contemporains

research product

La photographie oblique terrestre pour une veille environnementale en milieu arctique (webcam du Zeppelin Fjellet, 79°N, Spitsberg)

National audience; la photographie oblique prise depuis la surface de la terre peut devenir un outil complémentaire à l'imagerie projectionnelle (photographie aérienne et image satellite) utilisée habituellement en télédétection. Pour un coût de mise en oeuvre assez faible, elle autorise un suivi environnemental à des échelles spatiales et temporelles particulièrement fines, et ce malgré une faible définition de l'image. En Arctique, les données météorologiques standard rendent mal compte de la dynamique de la neige et de la glace de mer. Or, ce sont là deux composantes fondamentales de l'environnement polaire qu'il est possible d'appréhender à partir de leur dimension paysagère. Depuis mai…

research product

La photo haute définition pour comprendre les dynamiques des versants (Austre Lovénbreen, Svalbard, 79°N)

National audience

research product

Hydro-glaciology research on the Austre Lovenbreen since the 60s to the last IPY

International audience

research product

Seasonal snow cover dynamics and melting processes on a polar glacier

research product

Quantification des hauteurs de neige et des températures de l'air à la surface d'un glacier : du terrain à l'interpolation, confrontation de méthodes

Quantifying snow cover and surface air temperature on a glacier is usually based on point data. The density of point measures is dependent on the local context. Interpolation brings the opportunity to generate a continuous surface. This surface can be used to derive a global measure for the whole glacier. These measures (total snow water equivalent, average thermal state) are integrated in glaciological and hydrological equations. Interpolation also renders the spatial variations of processes and provides information on inaccessible or not-monitored zones. Using the example of an arctic glacier, several interpolation methods were tested and compared. These methods were applied to snow drill…

research product

Snow cover monitoring using combined FORMOSAT satellite imaging, oblique view ground-based pictures and snow drills

COM; International audience

research product

Changement climatique récent (1969-2006) en Artique à travers les relevés météorologiques de Ny Alesund (Spitsberg, 79°N)

National audience

research product

Hydrochemical response of a polar glacier facing the recent climate changes (Austrelovenbre, Svalbard, 79°N)

research product

Using Global Radiation Model to Simulate Surface Temperature Impact on Snow Melt - Loven Glacier – Spitsberg

International audience

research product

Spatial assessment of the vegetation evolution by comparing two series of releves (1975-2006) on a strandflat section in Svalbard

International audience; The vegetation evolution is analysed on the forefield of two glaciers in Svalbard for a period of 31 years (1975-2006). In 1975, 85 stations were positioned along transects going from the coast line to the glacier fronts; botanical releves were made at each point. The adopted protocol allowed us to carry out a new observation session in 2006 under the same conditions. The collected information is encoded in the proper way to enable a comparison between the two series. Thus, it is possible to make a botanical assessment of species and taxa which have appeared or disappeared, and to see how the releves have evolved in reference to a typology established by coupling cor…

research product

2D and 3D variations of an Arctic Glacier to recent climate change since forty years (Austre Lovenbreen, Svalbard, 79°N)

International audience

research product

Remote and in situ sensing to survey a glacier basin : protocole of setting up and first results of an IPY project

International audience

research product

Evaluating the Austre Loven and its bedrock topography using Ground Penetrating Radar and differential GPS measurements.

research product

Acquisition et traitements automatiques d'images numériques haute résolution de glaciers polaires

research product

Fourty years of weather data to understand recent climate Change in the Artic (Svalbard, 79°N)

International audience

research product