Philippe Tresch
Table ronde: Quelles pistes pour parvenir ensemble aux objectifs Ecophyto
National audience
Complémentarité entre expérimentations et réseau de fermes pour explorer des systèmes de culture à faible usage de pesticides
Cropping system prototypes are assessed in long term experiments to test innovative strategies. The experiment conducted at the INRA-Dijon showed that Integrated Weed Management can be successful in controlling weeds. Environmental benefits and impacts on productivity and profitability were quantified. However, only a limited number of strategies can be explored in such experiments, and the generic value of the results might be questioned, notably regarding the adaptation of the systems to other contexts. Analysing data from farm networks provide additional knowledge, using the huge diversity of agricultural situations and cropping systems. The network ‘DEPHY-Ferme’ is part of the ECOPHYTO …