A new approach to the crystal growth of Hg1−xMnxTe by the cold travelling heater method (CTHM)
Abstract In order to obtain crystals with a homogeneous composition and to reduce the Hg high pressure related to the temperature synthesis reaction between the components in elemental form, Hg 1− x Mn x Te bulk crystals were produced by the cold travelling heater method (CTHM). Following the technique initially proposed for the growth of CdHgTe by the Triboulet group, the feed material was a split ingot of two segments, one of HgTe and the other of MnTe, with cross-sectional areas chosen to establish the desired final composition. The growth was carried out at a temperature of 600°C and a rate of 2 mm/h. The Hg 1− x Mn x Te crystals have been characterised by scanning electron microscopy, …