Substrate Specificity of Aglaia loheri Active Isolate towards P-glycoprotein in Multidrug-Resistant Cancer Cells
Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a major contributory factor in the failure of chemotherapy. Concrete interpretation of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate specificity, whether a substance is a substrate or an inhibitor, represents an important feature of a compound's pharmaceutical profiling in drug design and development. In this work, the P-gp substrate specificity of Maldi 531.2[M+H]+, a phenol ester from Aglaia loheri Blanco leaves was investigated. This study focuses on the effect of Maldi 531.2[M+H]+ on P-gp ATPase activity, which was examined by measuring the amount of inorganic phosphates (Pi) released as a result of ATP hydrolysis. To test the effects of Maldi 531.2[M+H]+ on MDR activit…