Combined heat and power generation with a HCPV system at 2000 suns
In the framework of the FAE “Fotovoltaico ad Alta Efficienza” (“High Efficiency Photovoltaic”) Research Project funded by the Sicilian Region under the program PO FESR Sicilia 2007/2013, we have developed an innovative solar CHP system for the combined production of heat and power at the high concentration level of 2000 suns [1]. This work shows the experimental results obtained on FAE-HCPV modules and analyses the behaviour of the system. The solar radiation is concentrated on commercial InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cells designed for intensive work. The primary optics is a rectangular off-axis parabolic mirror (with a size of 46x46 = 2116 cm2 in a projection normal to the…