Edoardo Moreci

Second Generation of Freescoo Solar DEC Prototypes for Residential Applications

Freescoo is an innovative all-in-one compact solar Desiccant Evaporative Cooling (DEC) air conditioner concept. Results of the first prototype developed were presented at SHC Conference last year. Now a second generation of freescoo prototypes for applications in residential and small office buildings have been installed in Italy at ENEA Casaccia and at UNIPA. The thermodynamic cycle is based on the use of fixed and cooled adsorption beds and advanced evaporative cooling concepts. The adsorption bed, which is a fin and tube heat exchanger packed with silica gel grains, allows simultaneous dehumidification and cooling of the process air. The indirect evaporative cooling process, operated dow…

research product

Annual heating energy requirements of office buildings in a European climate

Abstract The concept of implementing energy savings to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has become a key element of energy policies of any industrialized country. In the civil sector and specifically, energy savings for office buildings, there are still opportunities for further enhancements related to correctly determining the air conditioning thermal requirements. However, there is a lack of simple correlations that allow a preliminary assessment for a single building or correlations that can be quickly applied at the district level. This paper proposes several simple correlations that determine the heating loads of a typical office building by only knowing the Degree-Days of a specific Eu…

research product

Energy and economic assessment of a small domestic wind turbine in Palermo

The cost effectiveness of micro-wind technology is closely linked to the annual energy production plants, which strongly depends on the wind characteristics and on the morphological properties of the installation site. The power curve of a wind turbine, supplied by manufacturers, characterizes the theoretical energy performance that it should have at a particular site. The behavior of a wind turbine in the field is affected by the speed but also by wind direction variations. At each change of direction and speed, the turbine will try to adapt to new conditions and the phase transition negatively influences the energy production. In order to experimentally confirm what above mentioned, the a…

research product

The Energy System of Sicilian Region, Italy: 2014 situation and evolutionary trends

The development of reliable energy scenarios are become increasingly more important and crucial due to scientific interest but also because it is essential for the deployment of effective energy policies in the territory. The depletion of Fossil Fuels and the need for the most industrialized countries to achieve the target of a sustainable development have induced important national, European and global initiatives. These actions have led to major changes on each energy system of countries and regions, contributing to the evolution of new local energy systems. In this paper, the Authors have collected, processed and analyzed the data concerning the evolution and changes of the Sicilian ener…

research product

Degree Days and Building Energy Demand

Degree-days (DD) are a climatic indicator that can be used in the assessment and analysis of weather related to energy consumption of buildings. Essentially, degree-days are a summation of the differences between the outdoor temperature and some reference (or base) temperature over a specific time period. In literature, different method can be used for determining the DD value and generally the choice depends on the availability of climatic data of each location. In this paper, after a review and comparison of the most common approaches used to determine DD, the Italian procedure was deeply analyzed. The application of Italian technical rules is based on weather data calculated on a monthly…

research product

The new building regulation plan schema in the town of Castelbuono (Sicily): the experience of FACTOR20- LIFE+ project

The LIFE+ Programme is the European Union’s funding instrument for the environment. The general objective of LIFE+ is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental policy and legislation by co-financing pilot or demonstration projects with European added value. In the framework of LIFE+, the project “Forwarding demonstrative ACTions On a Regional and local scale (FACTOR20) to reach EU targets of the European Plan 20/20/20” was founded by European Commission. FACTOR20 is aimed to define a set of tools to support the planning of regional and national policies for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and for the reduction of energy consumption. The know…

research product

Analisi e modelli predittivi di sistemi energetici a scala regionale, provinciale e locale: studi sperimentali, modellazione e analisi parametrica.

Il lavoro ha affrontato differenti ambiti tipici della pianificazione energetica, dell’analisi di dati e dei modelli predittivi. Tutti i predetti temi sono coniugati al fine di studiare le caratteristiche dei sistemi energetici, i bilanci energetici a scala regionale e locale, di valutare gli indicatori di efficienza dei sistemi su macro area utilizzando metodi statistici e previsionali. A tal fine sono stati applicati modelli e software predittivi basati su metodi di regressione e/o Neural Network per la predisposizione di scenari energetici a breve, medio e lungo termine. Nel complesso, il lavoro ha riguardato l’implementazione ed analisi di modelli numerici, in grado di determinare in ma…

research product

Forecasting the Cell Temperature of PV Modules with an Adaptive System

The need to reduce energy consumptions and to optimize the processes of energy production has pushed the technology towards the implementation of hybrid systems for combined production of electric and thermal energy. In particular, recent researches look with interest at the installation of hybrid system PV/T. To improve the energy performance of these systems, it is necessary to know the operating temperature of the photovoltaic modules. Furthermore, when photovoltaic (PV) systems replace the traditional building envelope materials and they are fully integrated (building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV)), it is very important to correctly assess their thermal behaviour. The determination of …

research product