H. Lenz

Survival of European children and young adults with cancer diagnosed 1995-2002

This study analyses survival in 40,392 children (age 0-14 years) and 30,187 adolescents/young adults (age 15-24 years) diagnosed with cancer between 1995 and 2002. The cases were from 83 European population-based cancer registries in 23 countries participating in EUROCARE-4. Five-year survival in countries and in regional groupings of countries was compared for all cancers combined and for major cancers. Survival for 15 rare cancers in children was also analysed. Five-year survival for all cancers combined was 81% in children and 87% in adolescents/young adults. Between-country survival differences narrowed for both children and adolescents/young adults. Relative risk of death reduced signi…

research product

Über molekulareinheitliche phenol-formaldehyd-kondensate mit einheitlicher konstitution. III. (vorläufige) mitteilung

Es werden hohermolekulare Phenol-Formaldehyd-Kondensate mit einheitlicher Konstitution und einheitlicher Molekulgrose dargestellt, um Zusammenhange zwischen Molekulargewicht und physikalischen sowie chemischen Eigenschaften aufdecken zu konnen. Die Struktur dieser Produkte kann folgendermasen wiedergegeben werden: Further higher molecular phenol-formaldehyde condensates are prepared with uniform structure and uniform molecular weight in order to find more easily relations between molecular weight and physical or chemical properties. The structure of these compounds may be given by formula (I).

research product