David Johann

The Two Dimensions of Narcissistic Personality and Support for the Radical Right: The Role of Right–Wing Authoritarianism, Social Dominance Orientation and Anti–Immigrant Sentiment

This paper offers an explanation of the link between grandiose narcissism and support for radical right parties. Drawing on representative data of the GESIS Panel ( N = 2827), focusing on support for the German radical right populist party Alternative for Germany in 2016 and treating grandiose narcissism as a two–dimensional concept, it is shown that the effects of grandiose narcissism are indirect rather than direct. The paper also reveals that it is mainly narcissistic rivalry that accounts for radical right party support, whereas narcissistic admiration has a protecting relationship. Finally, our results indicate that the indirect effects of narcissistic rivalry on radical right party s…

research product

This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens’ and its consequence for EU democracy – evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries

For the very first time in EU history, the 2014 EP elections provided citizens with the opportunity to influence the nomination of the Commission President by casting a vote for the main Europarties’ ‘lead candidates’. By subjecting the position of the Commission President to an open political contest, many experts have formulated the expectation that heightened political competition would strengthen the weak electoral connection between EU citizens and EU legislators, which some consider a root cause for the EU’s lack of public support. In particular, this contest was on display in the so-called ‘Eurovision Debate’, a televised debate between the main contenders for the Commission Presiden…

research product

Alternative Messverfahren rechtspopulistischen Wählens im Vergleich: Empirische Erkenntnisse aus Deutschland und Österreich

Dieser Beitrag untersucht alternative Instrumente zur Erfassung rechts-populistischen Wahlens unter Ruckgriff auf Daten aus Deutschland und Osterreich. Konkret werden zwei Erhebungsinstrumente, die eine Eindammung sozial erwunschten Antwortverhaltens in Bezug auf rechts-populistisches Wahlen versprechen, kritisch gepruft: 1) Propensity to Vote (PTV)-Fragen und die 2) Item Count Technique (ICT). Um den Nutzen dieser Instrumente fur die Messung rechts-populistischen Wahlens zu evaluieren, werden die verschiedenen Moglichkeiten sowohl deskriptiv als auch multivariat analysiert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die alternativen Messverfahren nicht zu valideren Ergebnissen fuhren als die k…

research product

Supporting info item, per2228-sup-0001-Open_Practices_Disclosure_Form - The Two Dimensions of Narcissistic Personality and Support for the Radical Right: The Role of Right–Wing Authoritarianism, Social Dominance Orientation and Anti–Immigrant Sentiment

Supporting info item, per2228-sup-0001-Open_Practices_Disclosure_Form for The Two Dimensions of Narcissistic Personality and Support for the Radical Right: The Role of Right–Wing Authoritarianism, Social Dominance Orientation and Anti–Immigrant Sentiment by Mayer Sabrina J.,Berning Carl C., Johann David and Lönnqvist Jan–Erik in European Journal of Personality

research product

This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens and its consequence for EU democracy – evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries

For the very first time in EU history, the 2014 EP elections provided citizens with the opportunity to influence the nomination of the Commission President by casting a vote for the main Europarties’ ‘lead candidates’. By subjecting the position of the Commission President to an open political contest, many experts have formulated the expectation that heightened political competition would strengthen the weak electoral connection between EU citizens and EU legislators, which some consider a root cause for the EU’s lack of public support. In particular, this contest was on display in the so-called ‘Eurovision Debate’, a televised debate between the main contenders for the Commission Presiden…

research product