J. Litzinger

Shape coexistence in Hg-178

Lifetime measurements of excited states in Hg-178 have been performed using the Rh-103(Kr-78, p2n) reaction at a beam energy of 354 MeV. The recoil-decay tagging (RDT) technique was applied to select the Hg-178 nuclei and associate the prompt gamma rays with the correlated characteristic ground-state alpha decay. Lifetimes of the four lowest yrast states of Hg-178 have been determined using the recoil distance Doppler-shift (RDDS) method. The experimental data are compared to theoretical predictions with focus on shape coexistence. The results confirm the shift of the deformed prolate structures to higher lying states but also indicate their increasing deformation with decreasing neutron nu…

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X(5) critical-point symmetries in 138Gd

International audience; The lifetimes of low-lying transitions in 138Gd have been measured using the recoil-distance Doppler-shift technique. The resultant reduced transition probabilities have been compared to X(5) critical-point calculations to assess the potential 'phase-transitional' behaviour of 138Gd. The X(5) symmetry describes the first order 'phase transition' between sphericity, U(5) and an axially deformed nuclear shape, SU(3). Although a high degree of correspondence is observed between the experimental and theoretical excitation energies, the large uncertainties of the experimental B(E2) values cannot preclude contributions from either vibrational or rotational modes of excitat…

research product

Shape coexistence in $^{178}$Hg

Lifetime measurements of excited states in 178 Hg have been performed using the 103 Rh ( 78 Kr , p 2 n ) reaction at a beam energy of 354 MeV. The recoil-decay tagging (RDT) technique was applied to select the 178 Hg nuclei and associate the prompt γ rays with the correlated characteristic ground-state α decay. Lifetimes of the four lowest yrast states of 178 Hg have been determined using the recoil distance Doppler-shift (RDDS) method. The experimental data are compared to theoretical predictions with focus on shape coexistence. The results confirm the shift of the deformed prolate structures to higher lying states but also indicate their increasing deformation with decreasing neutron numb…

research product

Lifetime measurements of excited states in neutron-rich Ti53 : Benchmarking effective shell-model interactions

Level lifetimes of the yrast (5/2(-)) to 13/2(-) states in the neutron-rich nucleus Ti-53, produced in a multinucleon-transfer reaction, have been measured for the first time. The recoil distance Doppler-shift method was employed and lifetimes of the excited states were extracted by a lineshape analysis aided by GEANT4-based Monte-Carlo simulations. The experiment was performed at the Grand Accelerateur National d'Ions Lourds facility in Caen, France, by using the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array for the gamma-ray detection coupled to the large-acceptance variable mode spectrometer for an event-by-event particle identification and the Cologne plunger for deep-inelastic reactions. Reduced trans…

research product

Shape dynamics in neutron-rich Kr isotopes: Coulomb excitation of 92Kr, 94Kr and 96Kr

We report on the study of excited states in 92,94,96Kr populated via projectile Coulomb excitation at safe energies. The radioactive ion beams at energies of 2.85 MeV/u were delivered by the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN and impinged on self-supporting 194,196Pt targets. The emitted γ -rays were detected by the Miniball detector-array. A detailed description of the experimental techniques used for extracting diagonal and transitional matrix elements and of the theoretical framework is given. The present experiment reveals the moderate evolution of the collective structure in the considered neutron-rich Kr isotopic chain, which is supported by the interacting boson model combined with the self…

research product

Evidence for a Smooth Onset of Deformation in the Neutron-Rich Kr Isotopes

The neutron-rich nuclei Kr94,96 were studied via projectile Coulomb excitation at the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. Level energies of the first excited 2 + states and their absolute E2 transition strengths to the ground state are determined and discussed in the context of the E(21+) and B(E2;21+→01+) systematics of the krypton chain. Contrary to previously published results no sudden onset of deformation is observed. This experimental result is supported by a new proton-neutron interacting boson model calculation based on the constrained Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach using the microscopic Gogny-D1M energy density functional. © 2012 American Physical Society.

research product

Preliminary results of lifetime measurements in neutron-rich $^{53}$Ti

To study the nuclear structure of neutron-rich titanium isotopes, a lifetime measurement was performed at the Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds (GANIL) facility in Caen, France. The nucleiwere produced in a multinucleon-transfer reaction by using a 6.76 MeV/u 238U beam. The Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA) was employed for the γ-ray detection and target-like recoils were identified event-by-event by the large-acceptance variable mode spectrometer (VAMOS++). Preliminary level lifetimes of the (5/2−) to 13/2− states of the yrast band in the neutron-rich nucleus 53Ti were measured for the first time employing the recoil distance Doppler-shift (RDDS) method and the compact plunger …

research product

Erratum: Evidence for a Smooth Onset of Deformation in the Neutron-Rich Kr Isotopes [Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 062701 (2012)]

research product

Lifetime measurements in Ti52,54 to study shell evolution toward N=32

Lifetimes of the excited states in the neutron-rich Ti-52,Ti-54 nuclei, produced in a multinucleon-transfer reaction, were measured by employing the Cologne plunger device and the recoil-distance D ...

research product

Corrigendum to: “Shape dynamics in neutron-rich Kr isotopes: Coulomb excitation of 92Kr, 94Kr and 96Kr” [Nucl. Phys. A 899 (2013) 1–28]

research product

Low-lying electromagnetic transition strengths in 180 Pt

Lifetime measurements have been performed using the 98 Mo ( 86 Kr , 4 n ) 180 Pt reaction at a beam energy of 380 MeV, and the recoil distance Doppler-shift method. In a second experiment the 168 Yb ( 16 O , 4 n ) 180 Pt reaction at a beam energy of 88 MeV using the Ge-gated γ − γ fast timing technique was used to determine lifetimes. Lifetimes of the four lowest yrast states of 180 Pt have been determined. The experimental data are compared to calculations within the framework of the interacting boson model and the general collective model. Both models predict a deformed ground state and are consistent with all the remaining experimental results. peerReviewed

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Lifetime measurement of the first excited2+state in108Te

The lifetime of the first excited 2(+) state in the neutron deficient nuclide (108)Te has been measured for the first time, using a combined recoil decay tagging and recoil distance Doppler shift t ...

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