Hans Olav Omland

Fra behovskartlegging til innovasjon for personer med utviklingshemming – noen metodiske og etiske refleksjoner

Offentlig sektor erfarer i økende grad et behov for innovasjon og teknologiutvikling av sine tjenester. Et viktig premiss er at nye løsninger skal løse reelle og fremtidsrettede behov, og som en følge av dette har oppmerksomheten rundt brukerinvolvering økt de senere årene. Det er mangel på kunnskap om hvordan brukeropplevelser kan bidra, og mange innovasjonsprosjekter har mislyktes på grunn av manglende forståelse for behovene til dem som skal dra nytte av nye løsninger. Det manglende kunnskapsgrunnlaget utfordres særlig når man skal innovere i komplekse kontekster der mange aktører er involvert, og når sluttbruker har en kognitiv funksjonsnedsettelse. Disse utfordringene er fremtredende i…

research product

Methodological Approach for Identifying Mechanisms in ICT4D: A Critical Realism Perspective

Part 4: Social Mechanisms of ICT-Enabled Development; International audience; The ontological questions ‘What is ICT?’ and ‘What is development?’ are described and documented in literature. Similarly, methodological approaches for understanding how ICT leads to development or for measuring the impact of ICT are described. However, explaining ‘why’ ICT works or not in the contexts of developing countries needs further investigation. We propose a critical realism based methodological approach for answering the above mentioned ‘why’-question. The core of a critical realism based approach is to identify the underlying mechanism(s) that may explain a phenomenon of why ICT leads to development. W…

research product

Management performance of telework teams based on experimental methods

This paper seeks to answer the following two questions: Which management factors have great effect on the management performance of telework teams? and How should management choose suitable team members for telework? The research will use experimental methods for exploring the novel topic of management performance of telework teams. The experimental design, implementation and result analysis will be done by using a computer experimental system we developed. The experimental research results show that an effective way of improving management performance of telework teams relates to the positive and the negative degrees of psychological factors, team factors, ethical factors and individual ba…

research product

Transitions from school to sheltered employment in Norway – Experiences of people with intellectual disabilities

research product

Sammenhenger mellom teknostress og omstillingsevne – En casestudie

research product


research product

Relationships between man and machine pondering underlying assumptions and their consequences for users

research product

Four steps to identify mechanisms of ICT4D: A critical realism-based methodology

research product