Makram Anane

Impact of the use of wastewater for irrigation of cultivated plots on the soil microbiological quality in semi-arid zone (Tunisia): approaches at the plot and catchment area scales

Affiche, résumé. Session AS: Agricultural Soils: Biodiversity and Functioning; International audience

research product

Soil DNA evidence for altered microbial diversity after long-term application of municipal wastewater

International audience; Water resources constitute a social, agricultural and economic problem in most countries of the southern Mediterranean Basin. Alternative strategies have been developed such as the reuse of municipal wastewater for irrigation in agriculture. Despite numerous advantages for soil fertility and crop productivity, recycling wastewater in soils also has several ecotoxicological and sanitary problems. Few investigations have assessed the risk by evaluating the impact of wastewater irrigation on soil microbes. Here, we report for the first time the short- and long-term effects of treated municipal wastewater irrigation on the density and genetic structure of bacterial and f…

research product

Impact assessment of irrigation by treated wastewater on soil bacterial genetic structure diversity of Nabeul-Tunisia irrigated areas

Affiche, résumé. Session AS: Agricullural Soils: Biodiverslly and Functloning; International audience

research product

Soils as reservoir of opportunistic human material pathogens and impact of agricultural practices

Affiche, résumé; National audience

research product