Sandrine Schoenenberger

Les déterminants de la charge de travail perçue dans deux services d’urgence hospitaliers en France

Resume Cet article restitue une recherche sur la charge de travail des soignants dans les services hospitaliers des urgences, a travers des facteurs lies aux patients et a l’activite. A partir de 121 observations realisees dans deux hopitaux, couplees a l’echelle du NASA-TLX et un questionnaire ad hoc, cette recherche indique que les elements les plus contributifs des variations de charge de travail percue sont le comportement agite des patients et les difficultes de communication liees au handicap. En revanche, les variations de la quantite de tâches ne semblent pas influer sur la charge de travail ressentie par les soignants. Ceci tend a souligner que les relations avec les patients sont …

research product

Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Spanish Burnout Inventory Among Professionals Across 17 Countries and Regions

AbstractStudies on the prevalence of burnout in professionals in service organizations who work in direct contact with the clients or users of the organization have concluded that burnout is a serious health disorder that has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant advantage of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI) over other instruments is that it provides a broader conceptualization of burnout by including feelings of guilt as a dimension of burnout to explain its development. However, the measurement invariance of the SBI across countries has not been investigated. The purpose of this study was to test the measurement invariance of the SBI among professionals across 17 countr…

research product

Impact of organizing working hours (5 shifts of 8 hours per week vs 3 shifts of 12 hours per week) on health and job strain

This article gives an account of research carried out on working hours in a French hospital and specifically the impact on two ways of organizing working hours (12 hour shifts vs 8 hour shifts) on workers health and job strain as perceived by the health care providers. Based on 255 questionnaires, this research indicates that the health care providers who work in 12 hour shifts and 8 hour shifts have the same perception of their health and job strain. However, there are some differences: the health care providers working in 12 hour shifts feel less fatigue and emotional exhaustion than the health care providers working in 8 hour shifts. We discuss these results taking into account that: i) …

research product