Philippe Gandel
Contribution à la connaissance de l'implantation Burgonde en Gaule au Ve siècle : à propos de découvertes récentes de fibules zoomorphes
The recent discovery of three horse shaped fibulae – a pair with a cavalryman from Ecrille in the Jura and a fibula from the La Chambre sector in Savoie as well as a bird shaped fibula from Charpey in the Drome, all dating from the second half of the 5th century or around 500 AD, provide valuable references in the context of the Burgundian settlement in the Centre-East and the South-East of Gaul. The map is still incomplete notably for the area to the south of Lyon, precisely where La Chambre and Charpey are located. Relating to the Ecrille discovery, it provides new information in relation to this defended site underlining its importance.
Les sites de hauteur de l'Antiquité tardive et du haut Moyen Âge dans le département du Jura : lieux de puissance, lieux de pouvoir
La circulation monétaire sur les sites de hauteur tardo-romains et alto-médiévaux du massif jurassien (vers 400-900 apr. J.-C.)
International audience